robosuite.utils package#
robosuite.utils.binding_utils module#
Useful classes for supporting DeepMind MuJoCo binding.
- class robosuite.utils.binding_utils.MjData(model)#
Wrapper class for a MuJoCo ‘mjData’ instance. MjData contains all of the dynamic variables and intermediate results produced by the simulation. These are expected to change on each simulation timestep. The properties without docstrings are defined in mujoco source code from deepmind/mujoco.
- property B_colind#
- property B_rowadr#
- property B_rownnz#
- property C_colind#
- property C_rowadr#
- property C_rownnz#
- property D_colind#
- property D_diag#
- property D_rowadr#
- property D_rownnz#
- property act#
- property act_dot#
- property actuator#
- property actuator_force#
- property actuator_length#
- property actuator_moment#
- property actuator_velocity#
- property bind#
- property bind_scalar#
- property body#
- property body_xmat#
mujoco-py used to support but DM mujoco bindings requires, so we explicitly expose this as a property
- Type:
- property body_xpos#
mujoco-py used to support but DM mujoco bindings requires, so we explicitly expose this as a property
- Type:
- property body_xquat#
mujoco-py used to support but DM mujoco bindings requires, so we explicitly expose this as a property
- Type:
- property bvh_aabb_dyn#
- property bvh_active#
- property cacc#
- property cam#
- property cam_xmat#
- property cam_xpos#
- property camera#
- property cdof#
- property cdof_dot#
- property cfrc_ext#
- property cfrc_int#
- property cinert#
- property contact#
- property crb#
- property ctrl#
- property cvel#
- property dof_island#
- property dof_islandind#
- property efc_AR#
- property efc_AR_colind#
- property efc_AR_rowadr#
- property efc_AR_rownnz#
- property efc_D#
- property efc_J#
- property efc_JT#
- property efc_JT_colind#
- property efc_JT_rowadr#
- property efc_JT_rownnz#
- property efc_JT_rowsuper#
- property efc_J_colind#
- property efc_J_rowadr#
- property efc_J_rownnz#
- property efc_J_rowsuper#
- property efc_KBIP#
- property efc_R#
- property efc_aref#
- property efc_b#
- property efc_diagApprox#
- property efc_force#
- property efc_frictionloss#
- property efc_id#
- property efc_island#
- property efc_margin#
- property efc_pos#
- property efc_state#
- property efc_type#
- property efc_vel#
- property energy#
- property eq_active#
- property flexedge_J#
- property flexedge_J_colind#
- property flexedge_J_rowadr#
- property flexedge_J_rownnz#
- property flexedge_length#
- property flexedge_velocity#
- property flexelem_aabb#
- property flexvert_xpos#
- property geom#
- property geom_xmat#
- property geom_xpos#
- get_body_jacp(name)#
Query the position jacobian of a mujoco body using a name string.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a mujoco body
- Returns:
The jacp value of the mujoco body
- Return type:
jacp (np.ndarray)
- get_body_jacr(name)#
Query the rotation jacobian of a mujoco body using a name string.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a mujoco body
- Returns:
The jacr value of the mujoco body
- Return type:
jacr (np.ndarray)
- get_body_xmat(name)#
Query the rotation of a mujoco body in a rotation matrix using a name string.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a mujoco body
- Returns:
The xmat value of the mujoco body
- Return type:
xmat (np.ndarray)
- get_body_xpos(name)#
Query cartesian position of a mujoco body using a name string.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a mujoco body
- Returns:
The xpos value of the mujoco body
- Return type:
xpos (np.ndarray)
- get_body_xquat(name)#
Query the rotation of a mujoco body in quaternion (in wxyz convention) using a name string.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a mujoco body
- Returns:
The xquat value of the mujoco body
- Return type:
xquat (np.ndarray)
- get_body_xvelp(name)#
Query the translational velocity of a mujoco body using a name string.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a mujoco body
- Returns:
The translational velocity of the mujoco body.
- Return type:
xvelp (np.ndarray)
- get_body_xvelr(name)#
Query the rotational velocity of a mujoco body using a name string.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a mujoco body
- Returns:
The rotational velocity of the mujoco body.
- Return type:
xvelr (np.ndarray)
- get_camera_xmat(name)#
Get the rotation of a camera in a rotation matrix using name
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a camera
- Returns:
The 3x3 rotation matrix of a camera
- Return type:
cam_xmat (np.ndarray)
- get_camera_xpos(name)#
Get the cartesian position of a camera using name
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a camera
- Returns:
The cartesian position of a camera
- Return type:
cam_xpos (np.ndarray)
- get_geom_jacp(name)#
Query the position jacobian of a mujoco geom using a name string.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a mujoco geom
- Returns:
The jacp value of the mujoco geom
- Return type:
jacp (np.ndarray)
- get_geom_jacr(name)#
Query the rotation jacobian of a mujoco geom using a name string.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a mujoco geom
- Returns:
The jacr value of the mujoco geom
- Return type:
jacr (np.ndarray)
- get_geom_xmat(name)#
Query the rotation of a mujoco geom in a rotation matrix using a name string.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a mujoco geom
- Returns:
The 3x3 rotation matrix of the mujoco geom.
- Return type:
geom_xmat (np.ndarray)
- get_geom_xpos(name)#
Query the cartesian position of a mujoco geom using a name string.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a mujoco geom
- Returns:
The cartesian position of the mujoco body.
- Return type:
geom_xpos (np.ndarray)
- get_geom_xvelp(name)#
Query the translational velocity of a mujoco geom using a name string.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a mujoco geom
- Returns:
The translational velocity of the mujoco geom
- Return type:
xvelp (np.ndarray)
- get_geom_xvelr(name)#
Query the rotational velocity of a mujoco geom using a name string.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a mujoco geom
- Returns:
The rotational velocity of the mujoco geom
- Return type:
xvelr (np.ndarray)
- get_joint_qpos(name)#
Get the position of a joint using name.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a joint
- Returns:
The current position of a joint.
- Return type:
qpos (np.ndarray)
- get_joint_qvel(name)#
Get the velocity of a joint using name.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a joint
- Returns:
The current velocity of a joint.
- Return type:
qvel (np.ndarray)
- get_light_xdir(name)#
Get the direction of a light source using name
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a light
- Returns:
The direction vector of the lightsource
- Return type:
light_xdir (np.ndarray)
- get_light_xpos(name)#
Get cartesian position of a light source
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a lighting source
- Returns:
The cartesian position of the light source
- Return type:
light_xpos (np.ndarray)
- get_mocap_pos(name)#
Get the position of a mocap body using name.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a joint
- Returns:
The current position of a mocap body.
- Return type:
mocap_pos (np.ndarray)
- get_mocap_quat(name)#
Get the quaternion of a mocap body using name.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a joint
- Returns:
The current quaternion of a mocap body.
- Return type:
mocap_quat (np.ndarray)
- get_sensor(name)#
Get the data of a sensor using name
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a sensor
- Returns:
The sensor data vector
- Return type:
sensordata (np.ndarray)
- get_site_jacp(name)#
Query the position jacobian of a mujoco site using a name string.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a mujoco site
- Returns:
The jacp value of the mujoco site
- Return type:
jacp (np.ndarray)
- get_site_jacr(name)#
Query the rotation jacobian of a mujoco site using a name string.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a mujoco site
- Returns:
The jacr value of the mujoco site
- Return type:
jacr (np.ndarray)
- get_site_xmat(name)#
Query the rotation of a mujoco site in a rotation matrix using a name string.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a mujoco site
- Returns:
The 3x3 rotation matrix of the mujoco site.
- Return type:
site_xmat (np.ndarray)
- get_site_xpos(name)#
Query the cartesian position of a mujoco site using a name string.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a mujoco site
- Returns:
The carteisan position of the mujoco site
- Return type:
site_xpos (np.ndarray)
- get_site_xvelp(name)#
Query the translational velocity of a mujoco site using a name string.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a mujoco site
- Returns:
The translational velocity of the mujoco site
- Return type:
xvelp (np.ndarray)
- get_site_xvelr(name)#
Query the rotational velocity of a mujoco site using a name string.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a mujoco site
- Returns:
The rotational velocity of the mujoco site
- Return type:
xvelr (np.ndarray)
- property island_dofadr#
- property island_dofind#
- property island_dofnum#
- property island_efcadr#
- property island_efcind#
- property island_efcnum#
- property jnt#
- property joint#
- property light#
- property light_xdir#
- property light_xpos#
- property mapD2M#
- property mapM2C#
- property mapM2D#
- property maxuse_arena#
- property maxuse_con#
- property maxuse_efc#
- property maxuse_stack#
- property maxuse_threadstack#
- property mocap_pos#
- property mocap_quat#
- property model#
The parent MjModel for this MjData instance.
- property moment_colind#
- property moment_rowadr#
- property moment_rownnz#
- property nA#
- property nJ#
- property narena#
- property nbuffer#
- property ncon#
- property ne#
- property nefc#
- property nf#
- property nisland#
- property nl#
- property nplugin#
- property parena#
- property pbase#
- property plugin#
- property plugin_data#
- property plugin_state#
- property pstack#
- property qDeriv#
- property qH#
- property qHDiagInv#
- property qLD#
- property qLDiagInv#
- property qLU#
- property qM#
- property qacc#
- property qacc_smooth#
- property qacc_warmstart#
- property qfrc_actuator#
- property qfrc_applied#
- property qfrc_bias#
- property qfrc_constraint#
- property qfrc_damper#
- property qfrc_fluid#
- property qfrc_gravcomp#
- property qfrc_inverse#
- property qfrc_passive#
- property qfrc_smooth#
- property qfrc_spring#
- property qpos#
- property qvel#
- property sensor#
- property sensordata#
- set_joint_qpos(name, value)#
Set the position of a joint using name.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a joint
value (float) – The desired joint velocity of a joint.
- set_joint_qvel(name, value)#
Set the velocities of a joint using name.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a joint
value (float) – The desired joint velocity of a joint.
- set_mocap_pos(name, value)#
Set the quaternion of a mocap body using name.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a joint
value (float) – The desired joint position of a mocap body.
- set_mocap_quat(name, value)#
Set the quaternion of a mocap body using name.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of a joint
value (float) – The desired joint quaternion of a mocap body.
- property site#
- property site_xmat#
- property site_xpos#
- property solver#
- property solver_fwdinv#
- property solver_nisland#
- property solver_niter#
- property solver_nnz#
- property subtree_angmom#
- property subtree_com#
- property subtree_linvel#
- property ten#
- property ten_J#
- property ten_J_colind#
- property ten_J_rowadr#
- property ten_J_rownnz#
- property ten_length#
- property ten_velocity#
- property ten_wrapadr#
- property ten_wrapnum#
- property tendon#
- property tendon_efcadr#
- property threadpool#
- property time#
- property timer#
- property userdata#
- property warning#
- property wrap_obj#
- property wrap_xpos#
- property xanchor#
- property xaxis#
- property xfrc_applied#
- property ximat#
- property xipos#
- property xmat#
- property xpos#
- property xquat#
- class robosuite.utils.binding_utils.MjModel(model_ptr)#
Wrapper class for a MuJoCo ‘mjModel’ instance. MjModel encapsulates features of the model that are expected to remain constant. It also contains simulation and visualization options which may be changed occasionally, although this is done explicitly by the user.
- property actuator#
- property actuator_acc0#
- property actuator_actadr#
- property actuator_actearly#
- property actuator_actlimited#
- property actuator_actnum#
- property actuator_actrange#
- property actuator_biasprm#
- property actuator_biastype#
- property actuator_cranklength#
- property actuator_ctrllimited#
- property actuator_ctrlrange#
- property actuator_dynprm#
- property actuator_dyntype#
- property actuator_forcelimited#
- property actuator_forcerange#
- property actuator_gainprm#
- property actuator_gaintype#
- property actuator_gear#
- property actuator_group#
- actuator_id2name(id)#
Get actuator name from actuator id.
- property actuator_length0#
- property actuator_lengthrange#
- actuator_name2id(name)#
Get actuator id from actuator name.
- property actuator_plugin#
- property actuator_trnid#
- property actuator_trntype#
- property actuator_user#
- property bind#
- property bind_scalar#
- property body#
- property body_bvhadr#
- property body_bvhnum#
- property body_conaffinity#
- property body_contype#
- property body_dofadr#
- property body_dofnum#
- property body_geomadr#
- property body_geomnum#
- property body_gravcomp#
- body_id2name(id)#
Get body name from mujoco body id.
- property body_inertia#
- property body_invweight0#
- property body_ipos#
- property body_iquat#
- property body_jntadr#
- property body_jntnum#
- property body_margin#
- property body_mass#
- property body_mocapid#
- body_name2id(name)#
Get body id from mujoco body name.
- property body_parentid#
- property body_plugin#
- property body_pos#
- property body_quat#
- property body_rootid#
- property body_sameframe#
- property body_simple#
- property body_subtreemass#
- property body_treeid#
- property body_user#
- property body_weldid#
- property bvh_aabb#
- property bvh_child#
- property bvh_depth#
- property bvh_nodeid#
- property cam#
- property cam_bodyid#
- property cam_fovy#
- property cam_intrinsic#
- property cam_ipd#
- property cam_mat0#
- property cam_mode#
- property cam_orthographic#
- property cam_pos#
- property cam_pos0#
- property cam_poscom0#
- property cam_quat#
- property cam_resolution#
- property cam_sensorsize#
- property cam_targetbodyid#
- property cam_user#
- property camera#
- camera_id2name(id)#
Get camera name from camera id.
- camera_name2id(name)#
Get camera id from camera name.
- property dof_M0#
- property dof_Madr#
- property dof_armature#
- property dof_bodyid#
- property dof_damping#
- property dof_frictionloss#
- property dof_invweight0#
- property dof_jntid#
- property dof_parentid#
- property dof_simplenum#
- property dof_solimp#
- property dof_solref#
- property dof_treeid#
- property eq#
- property eq_active0#
- property eq_data#
- property eq_obj1id#
- property eq_obj2id#
- property eq_objtype#
- property eq_solimp#
- property eq_solref#
- property eq_type#
- property equality#
- property exclude#
- property exclude_signature#
- property flex_activelayers#
- property flex_bvhadr#
- property flex_bvhnum#
- property flex_centered#
- property flex_conaffinity#
- property flex_condim#
- property flex_contype#
- property flex_damping#
- property flex_dim#
- property flex_edge#
- property flex_edgeadr#
- property flex_edgedamping#
- property flex_edgeequality#
- property flex_edgenum#
- property flex_edgestiffness#
- property flex_elem#
- property flex_elemadr#
- property flex_elemdataadr#
- property flex_elemedge#
- property flex_elemedgeadr#
- property flex_elemlayer#
- property flex_elemnum#
- property flex_evpair#
- property flex_evpairadr#
- property flex_evpairnum#
- property flex_flatskin#
- property flex_friction#
- property flex_gap#
- property flex_group#
- property flex_internal#
- property flex_interp#
- property flex_margin#
- property flex_matid#
- property flex_node#
- property flex_node0#
- property flex_nodeadr#
- property flex_nodebodyid#
- property flex_nodenum#
- property flex_priority#
- property flex_radius#
- property flex_rgba#
- property flex_rigid#
- property flex_selfcollide#
- property flex_shell#
- property flex_shelldataadr#
- property flex_shellnum#
- property flex_solimp#
- property flex_solmix#
- property flex_solref#
- property flex_stiffness#
- property flex_texcoord#
- property flex_texcoordadr#
- property flex_vert#
- property flex_vert0#
- property flex_vertadr#
- property flex_vertbodyid#
- property flex_vertnum#
- property flexedge_invweight0#
- property flexedge_length0#
- property flexedge_rigid#
- property from_binary_path#
- property from_xml_path#
- property from_xml_string#
- property geom#
- property geom_aabb#
- property geom_bodyid#
- property geom_conaffinity#
- property geom_condim#
- property geom_contype#
- property geom_dataid#
- property geom_fluid#
- property geom_friction#
- property geom_gap#
- property geom_group#
- geom_id2name(id)#
Get geom name from geom id.
- property geom_margin#
- property geom_matid#
- geom_name2id(name)#
Get geom id from geom name.
- property geom_plugin#
- property geom_pos#
- property geom_priority#
- property geom_quat#
- property geom_rbound#
- property geom_rgba#
- property geom_sameframe#
- property geom_size#
- property geom_solimp#
- property geom_solmix#
- property geom_solref#
- property geom_type#
- property geom_user#
- get_joint_qpos_addr(name)#
See openai/mujoco-py
Returns the qpos address for given joint. Returns: - address (int, tuple): returns int address if 1-dim joint, otherwise
returns the a (start, end) tuple for pos[start:end] access.
- get_joint_qvel_addr(name)#
See openai/mujoco-py
Returns the qvel address for given joint. Returns: - address (int, tuple): returns int address if 1-dim joint, otherwise
returns the a (start, end) tuple for vel[start:end] access.
- get_xml()#
- property hfield#
- property hfield_adr#
- property hfield_data#
- property hfield_ncol#
- property hfield_nrow#
- property hfield_pathadr#
- property hfield_size#
- property jnt#
- property jnt_actfrclimited#
- property jnt_actfrcrange#
- property jnt_actgravcomp#
- property jnt_axis#
- property jnt_bodyid#
- property jnt_dofadr#
- property jnt_group#
- property jnt_limited#
- property jnt_margin#
- property jnt_pos#
- property jnt_qposadr#
- property jnt_range#
- property jnt_solimp#
- property jnt_solref#
- property jnt_stiffness#
- property jnt_type#
- property jnt_user#
- property joint#
- joint_id2name(id)#
Get joint name from mujoco joint id.
- joint_name2id(name)#
Get joint id from joint name.
- property key#
- property key_act#
- property key_ctrl#
- property key_mpos#
- property key_mquat#
- property key_qpos#
- property key_qvel#
- property key_time#
- property keyframe#
- property light#
- property light_active#
- property light_ambient#
- property light_attenuation#
- property light_bodyid#
- property light_bulbradius#
- property light_castshadow#
- property light_cutoff#
- property light_diffuse#
- property light_dir#
- property light_dir0#
- property light_directional#
- property light_exponent#
- light_id2name(id)#
Get light name from light id.
- property light_mode#
- light_name2id(name)#
Get light id from light name.
- property light_pos#
- property light_pos0#
- property light_poscom0#
- property light_specular#
- property light_targetbodyid#
- make_mappings()#
Make some useful internal mappings that mujoco-py supported.
- property mat#
- property mat_emission#
- property mat_metallic#
- property mat_reflectance#
- property mat_rgba#
- property mat_roughness#
- property mat_shininess#
- property mat_specular#
- property mat_texid#
- property mat_texrepeat#
- property mat_texuniform#
- property material#
- property mesh#
- property mesh_bvhadr#
- property mesh_bvhnum#
- property mesh_face#
- property mesh_faceadr#
- property mesh_facenormal#
- property mesh_facenum#
- property mesh_facetexcoord#
- property mesh_graph#
- property mesh_graphadr#
- mesh_id2name(id)#
Get mesh name from mesh id.
- mesh_name2id(name)#
Get mesh id from mesh name.
- property mesh_normal#
- property mesh_normaladr#
- property mesh_normalnum#
- property mesh_pathadr#
- property mesh_polyadr#
- property mesh_polymap#
- property mesh_polymapadr#
- property mesh_polymapnum#
- property mesh_polynormal#
- property mesh_polynum#
- property mesh_polyvert#
- property mesh_polyvertadr#
- property mesh_polyvertnum#
- property mesh_pos#
- property mesh_quat#
- property mesh_scale#
- property mesh_texcoord#
- property mesh_texcoordadr#
- property mesh_texcoordnum#
- property mesh_vert#
- property mesh_vertadr#
- property mesh_vertnum#
- property nB#
- property nC#
- property nD#
- property nJmom#
- property nM#
- property na#
- property name_actuatoradr#
- property name_bodyadr#
- property name_camadr#
- property name_eqadr#
- property name_excludeadr#
- property name_flexadr#
- property name_geomadr#
- property name_hfieldadr#
- property name_jntadr#
- property name_keyadr#
- property name_lightadr#
- property name_matadr#
- property name_meshadr#
- property name_numericadr#
- property name_pairadr#
- property name_pluginadr#
- property name_sensoradr#
- property name_siteadr#
- property name_skinadr#
- property name_tendonadr#
- property name_texadr#
- property name_textadr#
- property name_tupleadr#
- property names#
- property names_map#
- property narena#
- property nbody#
- property nbuffer#
- property nbvh#
- property nbvhdynamic#
- property nbvhstatic#
- property ncam#
- property nconmax#
- property nemax#
- property neq#
- property nexclude#
- property nflex#
- property nflexedge#
- property nflexelem#
- property nflexelemdata#
- property nflexelemedge#
- property nflexevpair#
- property nflexnode#
- property nflexshelldata#
- property nflextexcoord#
- property nflexvert#
- property ngeom#
- property ngravcomp#
- property nhfield#
- property nhfielddata#
- property njmax#
- property njnt#
- property nkey#
- property nlight#
- property nmat#
- property nmesh#
- property nmeshface#
- property nmeshgraph#
- property nmeshnormal#
- property nmeshpoly#
- property nmeshpolymap#
- property nmeshpolyvert#
- property nmeshtexcoord#
- property nmeshvert#
- property nmocap#
- property nnames#
- property nnames_map#
- property nnumeric#
- property nnumericdata#
- property npair#
- property npaths#
- property nplugin#
- property npluginattr#
- property npluginstate#
- property nq#
- property nsensor#
- property nsensordata#
- property nsite#
- property nskin#
- property nskinbone#
- property nskinbonevert#
- property nskinface#
- property nskintexvert#
- property nskinvert#
- property ntendon#
- property ntex#
- property ntexdata#
- property ntext#
- property ntextdata#
- property ntree#
- property ntuple#
- property ntupledata#
- property nu#
- property numeric#
- property numeric_adr#
- property numeric_data#
- property numeric_size#
- property nuser_actuator#
- property nuser_body#
- property nuser_cam#
- property nuser_geom#
- property nuser_jnt#
- property nuser_sensor#
- property nuser_site#
- property nuser_tendon#
- property nuserdata#
- property nv#
- property nwrap#
- property opt#
- property pair#
- property pair_dim#
- property pair_friction#
- property pair_gap#
- property pair_geom1#
- property pair_geom2#
- property pair_margin#
- property pair_signature#
- property pair_solimp#
- property pair_solref#
- property pair_solreffriction#
- property paths#
- property plugin#
- property plugin_attr#
- property plugin_attradr#
- property plugin_stateadr#
- property plugin_statenum#
- property qpos0#
- property qpos_spring#
- property sensor#
- property sensor_adr#
- property sensor_cutoff#
- property sensor_datatype#
- property sensor_dim#
- sensor_id2name(id)#
Get sensor name from sensor id.
- sensor_name2id(name)#
Get sensor id from sensor name.
- property sensor_needstage#
- property sensor_noise#
- property sensor_objid#
- property sensor_objtype#
- property sensor_plugin#
- property sensor_refid#
- property sensor_reftype#
- property sensor_type#
- property sensor_user#
- property site#
- property site_bodyid#
- property site_group#
- site_id2name(id)#
Get site name from site id.
- property site_matid#
- site_name2id(name)#
Get site id from site name.
- property site_pos#
- property site_quat#
- property site_rgba#
- property site_sameframe#
- property site_size#
- property site_type#
- property site_user#
- property skin#
- property skin_boneadr#
- property skin_bonebindpos#
- property skin_bonebindquat#
- property skin_bonebodyid#
- property skin_bonenum#
- property skin_bonevertadr#
- property skin_bonevertid#
- property skin_bonevertnum#
- property skin_bonevertweight#
- property skin_face#
- property skin_faceadr#
- property skin_facenum#
- property skin_group#
- property skin_inflate#
- property skin_matid#
- property skin_pathadr#
- property skin_rgba#
- property skin_texcoord#
- property skin_texcoordadr#
- property skin_vert#
- property skin_vertadr#
- property skin_vertnum#
- property stat#
- property tendon#
- property tendon_adr#
- property tendon_damping#
- property tendon_frictionloss#
- property tendon_group#
- tendon_id2name(id)#
Get tendon name from tendon id.
- property tendon_invweight0#
- property tendon_length0#
- property tendon_lengthspring#
- property tendon_limited#
- property tendon_margin#
- property tendon_matid#
- tendon_name2id(name)#
Get tendon id from tendon name.
- property tendon_num#
- property tendon_range#
- property tendon_rgba#
- property tendon_solimp_fri#
- property tendon_solimp_lim#
- property tendon_solref_fri#
- property tendon_solref_lim#
- property tendon_stiffness#
- property tendon_user#
- property tendon_width#
- property tex#
- property tex_adr#
- property tex_data#
- property tex_height#
- property tex_nchannel#
- property tex_pathadr#
- property tex_type#
- property tex_width#
- property text_adr#
- property text_data#
- property text_size#
- property texture#
- property tuple#
- property tuple_adr#
- property tuple_objid#
- property tuple_objprm#
- property tuple_objtype#
- property tuple_size#
- property vis#
- property wrap_objid#
- property wrap_prm#
- property wrap_type#
- class robosuite.utils.binding_utils.MjRenderContext(sim, offscreen=True, device_id=-1, max_width=640, max_height=480)#
Class that encapsulates rendering functionality for a MuJoCo simulation.
See openai/mujoco-py
- read_pixels(width, height, depth=False, segmentation=False)#
- render(width, height, camera_id=None, segmentation=False)#
- update_offscreen_size(width, height)#
- upload_texture(tex_id)#
Uploads given texture to the GPU.
- class robosuite.utils.binding_utils.MjRenderContextOffscreen(sim, device_id, max_width=640, max_height=480)#
- class robosuite.utils.binding_utils.MjSim(model)#
Meant to somewhat replicate functionality in mujoco-py’s MjSim object (see openai/mujoco-py).
- add_render_context(render_context)#
- forward()#
Forward call to synchronize derived quantities.
- free()#
- classmethod from_xml_file(xml_file)#
- classmethod from_xml_string(xml)#
- get_state()#
Return MjSimState instance for current state.
- render(width=None, height=None, *, camera_name=None, depth=False, mode='offscreen', device_id=-1, segmentation=False)#
Renders view from a camera and returns image as an numpy.ndarray. Args: - width (int): desired image width. - height (int): desired image height. - camera_name (str): name of camera in model. If None, the free
camera will be used.
depth (bool): if True, also return depth buffer
- device (int): device to use for rendering (only for GPU-backed
Returns: - rgb (uint8 array): image buffer from camera - depth (float array): depth buffer from camera (only returned
if depth=True)
- reset()#
Reset simulation.
- set_state(value)#
Set internal state from MjSimState instance. Should call @forward afterwards to synchronize derived quantities.
- set_state_from_flattened(value)#
Set internal mujoco state using flat mjstate array. Should call @forward afterwards to synchronize derived quantities.
See openai/mujoco-py
- step(with_udd=True)#
Step simulation.
- step1()#
Step1 (before actions are set).
- step2()#
Step2 (after actions are set).
robosuite.utils.buffers module#
Collection of Buffer objects with general functionality
- class robosuite.utils.buffers.Buffer#
Abstract class for different kinds of data buffers. Minimum API should have a “push” and “clear” method
- clear()#
- push(value)#
Pushes a new @value to the buffer
- Parameters:
value – Value to push to the buffer
- class robosuite.utils.buffers.DelayBuffer(dim, length)#
Modified RingBuffer that returns delayed values when polled
- get_delayed_value(delay)#
Returns value @delay increments behind most recent value.
- Parameters:
delay (int) – How many steps backwards from most recent value to grab value. Note that this should not be greater than the buffer’s length
- Returns:
delayed value
- Return type:
- class robosuite.utils.buffers.DeltaBuffer(dim, init_value=None)#
Simple 2-length buffer object to streamline grabbing delta values between “current” and “last” values
Constructs delta object.
- Parameters:
dim (int) – Size of numerical arrays being inputted
init_value (None or Iterable) – Initial value to fill “last” value with initially. If None (default), last array will be filled with zeros
- property average#
Returns the average between the current and last value
- Returns:
Averaged value of all elements in buffer
- Return type:
float or np.array
- clear()#
Clears last and current value
- property delta#
Returns the delta between last value and current value. If abs_value is set to True, then returns the absolute value between the values
- Parameters:
abs_value (bool) – Whether to return absolute value or not
- Returns:
difference between current and last value
- Return type:
float or np.array
- push(value)#
Pushes a new value into the buffer; current becomes last and @value becomes current
- Parameters:
value (int or float or array) – Value(s) to push into the array (taken as a single new element)
- class robosuite.utils.buffers.RingBuffer(dim, length)#
Simple RingBuffer object to hold values to average (useful for, e.g.: filtering D component in PID control)
Note that the buffer object is a 2D numpy array, where each row corresponds to individual entries into the buffer
- Parameters:
dim (int) – Size of entries being added. This is, e.g.: the size of a state vector that is to be stored
length (int) – Size of the ring buffer
- property average#
Gets the average of components in buffer
- Returns:
Averaged value of all elements in buffer
- Return type:
float or np.array
- clear()#
Clears buffer and reset pointer
- property current#
Gets the most recent value pushed to the buffer
- Returns:
Most recent value in buffer
- Return type:
float or np.array
- push(value)#
Pushes a new value into the buffer
- Parameters:
value (int or float or array) – Value(s) to push into the array (taken as a single new element)
robosuite.utils.camera_utils module#
robosuite.utils.control_utils module#
- robosuite.utils.control_utils.nullspace_torques(mass_matrix, nullspace_matrix, initial_joint, joint_pos, joint_vel, joint_kp=10)#
For a robot with redundant DOF(s), a nullspace exists which is orthogonal to the remainder of the controllable subspace of the robot’s joints. Therefore, an additional secondary objective that does not impact the original controller objective may attempt to be maintained using these nullspace torques.
This utility function specifically calculates nullspace torques that attempt to maintain a given robot joint positions @initial_joint with zero velocity using proportinal gain @joint_kp
- Note:
@mass_matrix, @nullspace_matrix, @joint_pos, and @joint_vel should reflect the robot’s state at the current
- Parameters:
mass_matrix (np.array) – 2d array representing the mass matrix of the robot
nullspace_matrix (np.array) – 2d array representing the nullspace matrix of the robot
initial_joint (np.array) – Joint configuration to be used for calculating nullspace torques
joint_pos (np.array) – Current joint positions
joint_vel (np.array) – Current joint velocities
joint_kp (float) – Proportional control gain when calculating nullspace torques
- Returns:
nullspace torques
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.control_utils.opspace_matrices(mass_matrix, J_full, J_pos, J_ori)#
Calculates the relevant matrices used in the operational space control algorithm
- Parameters:
mass_matrix (np.array) – 2d array representing the mass matrix of the robot
J_full (np.array) – 2d array representing the full Jacobian matrix of the robot
J_pos (np.array) – 2d array representing the position components of the Jacobian matrix of the robot
J_ori (np.array) – 2d array representing the orientation components of the Jacobian matrix of the robot
- Returns:
(np.array): full lambda matrix (as 2d array)
(np.array): position components of lambda matrix (as 2d array)
(np.array): orientation components of lambda matrix (as 2d array)
(np.array): nullspace matrix (as 2d array)
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.control_utils.orientation_error(desired, current)#
This function calculates a 3-dimensional orientation error vector for use in the impedance controller. It does this by computing the delta rotation between the inputs and converting that rotation to exponential coordinates (axis-angle representation, where the 3d vector is axis * angle). See for more information. Optimized function to determine orientation error from matrices
- Parameters:
desired (np.array) – 2d array representing target orientation matrix
current (np.array) – 2d array representing current orientation matrix
- Returns:
2d array representing orientation error as a matrix
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.control_utils.set_goal_orientation(delta, current_orientation, orientation_limit=None, set_ori=None)#
Calculates and returns the desired goal orientation, clipping the result accordingly to @orientation_limits. @delta and @current_orientation must be specified if a relative goal is requested, else @set_ori must be an orientation matrix specified to define a global orientation
- Parameters:
delta (np.array) – Desired relative change in orientation, in axis-angle form [ax, ay, az]
current_orientation (np.array) – Current orientation, in rotation matrix form
orientation_limit (None or np.array) – 2d array defining the (min, max) limits of permissible orientation goal commands
set_ori (None or np.array) – If set, will ignore @delta and set the goal orientation to this value
- Returns:
calculated goal orientation in absolute coordinates
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – [Invalid orientation_limit shape]
- robosuite.utils.control_utils.set_goal_position(delta, current_position, position_limit=None, set_pos=None)#
Calculates and returns the desired goal position, clipping the result accordingly to @position_limits. @delta and @current_position must be specified if a relative goal is requested, else @set_pos must be specified to define a global goal position
- Parameters:
delta (np.array) – Desired relative change in position
current_position (np.array) – Current position
position_limit (None or np.array) – 2d array defining the (min, max) limits of permissible position goal commands
set_pos (None or np.array) – If set, will ignore @delta and set the goal position to this value
- Returns:
calculated goal position in absolute coordinates
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – [Invalid position_limit shape]
robosuite.utils.errors module#
- exception robosuite.utils.errors.RandomizationError#
Exception raised for really really bad RNG.
- exception robosuite.utils.errors.SimulationError#
Exception raised for errors during runtime.
- exception robosuite.utils.errors.XMLError#
Exception raised for errors related to xml.
- exception robosuite.utils.errors.robosuiteError#
Base class for exceptions in robosuite.
robosuite.utils.ik_utils module#
- class robosuite.utils.ik_utils.IKSolver(model: MjModel, data: MjData, robot_config: Dict, damping: float, integration_dt: float, max_dq: float, max_dq_torso: float = 0.3, input_type: Literal['keyboard', 'mocap', 'pkl'] = 'keyboard', debug: bool = False, input_action_repr: Literal['absolute', 'relative', 'relative_pose'] = 'absolute', input_file: str | None = None, input_rotation_repr: Literal['quat_wxyz', 'axis_angle'] = 'axis_angle')#
- action_split_indexes() Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] #
- forward_kinematics(qpos: ndarray) Dict[str, ndarray] #
- get_targets()#
- reset_to_initial_state()#
- set_target_positions(target_positions: List)#
- set_target_rotations(target_rotations: List)#
- solve(target_action: ndarray, Kpos: float = 0.95, Kori: float = 0.95)#
- transform_pose(src_frame_pose: ndarray, src_frame: Literal['world', 'base'], dst_frame: Literal['world', 'base']) ndarray #
Transforms src_frame_pose from src_frame to dst_frame.
- robosuite.utils.ik_utils.get_nullspace_gains(joint_names: List[str], weight_dict: Dict[str, float]) ndarray #
robosuite.utils.input_utils module#
Utility functions for grabbing user inputs
- robosuite.utils.input_utils.choose_controller(part_controllers=False)#
Prints out controller options, and returns the requested controller name
- Returns:
Chosen controller name
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.input_utils.choose_environment()#
Prints out environment options, and returns the selected env_name choice
- Returns:
Chosen environment name
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.input_utils.choose_multi_arm_config()#
Prints out multi-arm environment configuration options, and returns the requested config name
- Returns:
Requested multi-arm configuration name
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.input_utils.choose_robots(exclude_bimanual=False, use_humanoids=False, exclude_single_arm=False)#
Prints out robot options, and returns the requested robot. Restricts options to single-armed robots if @exclude_bimanual is set to True (False by default). Restrict options to humanoids if @use_humanoids is set to True (Flase by default).
- Parameters:
exclude_bimanual (bool) – If set, excludes bimanual robots from the robot options
use_humanoids (bool) – If set, use humanoid robots
- Returns:
Requested robot name
- Return type:
robosuite.utils.log_utils module#
This file contains utility classes and functions for logging to stdout and stderr Adapted from robomimic: ARISE-Initiative/robomimic
- class robosuite.utils.log_utils.ConsoleFormatter(fmt=None, datefmt=None, style='%', validate=True)#
Formatter class of logging for console logging.
- FORMATS = {10: '[robosuite %(levelname)s] %(message)s (%(filename)s:%(lineno)d)', 20: '[robosuite %(levelname)s] %(message)s (%(filename)s:%(lineno)d)', 30: '[robosuite %(levelname)s] %(message)s (%(filename)s:%(lineno)d)', 40: '[robosuite %(levelname)s] %(message)s (%(filename)s:%(lineno)d)', 50: '[robosuite %(levelname)s] %(message)s (%(filename)s:%(lineno)d)'}#
- format(record)#
Apply custom fomatting on LogRecord object record.
- class robosuite.utils.log_utils.DefaultLogger(logger_name='robosuite_logs', console_logging_level='INFO', file_logging_level=None)#
Default logger class in robosuite codebase.
- get_logger()#
- Returns:
The retrieved logger whose name equals self.logger_name
- Return type:
- class robosuite.utils.log_utils.FileFormatter(fmt=None, datefmt=None, style='%', validate=True)#
Formatter class of logging for file logging.
- FORMATS = {10: '[robosuite %(levelname)s - %(asctime)s] %(message)s (%(filename)s:%(lineno)d)', 20: '[robosuite %(levelname)s - %(asctime)s] %(message)s (%(filename)s:%(lineno)d)', 30: '[robosuite %(levelname)s - %(asctime)s] %(message)s (%(filename)s:%(lineno)d)', 40: '[robosuite %(levelname)s - %(asctime)s] %(message)s (%(filename)s:%(lineno)d)', 50: '[robosuite %(levelname)s - %(asctime)s] %(message)s (%(filename)s:%(lineno)d)'}#
- format(record)#
Apply custom fomatting on LogRecord object record.
- robosuite.utils.log_utils.format_message(level: str, message: str) str #
Format a message with colors based on the level and include file and line number.
- Parameters:
level (str) – The logging level (e.g., “DEBUG”, “INFO”, “WARNING”, “ERROR”, “CRITICAL”).
message (str) – The message to format.
- Returns:
The formatted message with file and line number.
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.log_utils.rs_assert(condition: bool, message: str)#
Assert a condition and raise an error with a formatted message if the condition fails.
- Parameters:
condition (bool) – The condition to check.
message (str) – The error message to display if the assertion fails.
robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils module#
- class robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.CustomMaterial(texture, tex_name, mat_name, tex_attrib=None, mat_attrib=None, shared=False)#
Simple class to instantiate the necessary parameters to define an appropriate texture / material combo
Instantiates a nested dict holding necessary components for procedurally generating a texture / material combo
- Please see for specific details on
attributes expected for Mujoco texture / material tags, respectively
Note that the values in @tex_attrib and @mat_attrib can be in string or array / numerical form.
- Parameters:
texture (None or str or 4-array) – Name of texture file to be imported. If a string, should be part of ALL_TEXTURES. If texture is a 4-array, then this argument will be interpreted as an rgba tuple value and a template png will be procedurally generated during object instantiation, with any additional texture / material attributes specified. If None, no file will be linked and no rgba value will be set Note, if specified, the RGBA values are expected to be floats between 0 and 1
tex_name (str) – Name to reference the imported texture
mat_name (str) – Name to reference the imported material
tex_attrib (dict) – Any other optional mujoco texture specifications.
mat_attrib (dict) – Any other optional mujoco material specifications.
shared (bool) – If True, this material should not have any naming prefixes added to all names
- Raises:
AssertionError – [Invalid texture]
- robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.add_material(root, naming_prefix='', custom_material=None)#
Iterates through all element(s) in @root recursively and adds a material / texture to all visual geoms that don’t already have a material specified.
- Parameters:
root (ET.Element) – Root of the xml element tree to start recursively searching through.
naming_prefix (str) – Adds this prefix to all material and texture names
custom_material (None or CustomMaterial) – If specified, will add this material to all visual geoms. Else, will add a default “no-change” material.
- Returns:
- (ET.Element, ET.Element, CustomMaterial, bool) (tex_element, mat_element, material, used)
corresponding to the added material and whether the material was actually used or not.
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.add_prefix(root, prefix, tags='default', attribs='default', exclude=None)#
Find all element(s) matching the requested @tag, and appends @prefix to all @attributes if they exist.
- Parameters:
root (ET.Element) – Root of the xml element tree to start recursively searching through.
prefix (str) – Prefix to add to all specified attributes
tags (str or list of str or set) – Tag(s) to search for in this ElementTree. “Default” corresponds to all tags
attribs (str or list of str or set) – Element attribute(s) to append prefix to. “Default” corresponds to all attributes that reference names
exclude (None or function) – Filtering function that should take in an ET.Element or a string (attribute) and return True if we should exclude the given element / attribute from having any prefixes added
- robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.add_to_dict(dic, fill_in_defaults=True, default_value=None, **kwargs)#
Helper function to add key-values to dictionary @dic where each entry is its own array (list). :param dic: Dictionary to which new key / value pairs will be added. If the key already exists,
will append the value to that key entry
- Parameters:
fill_in_defaults (bool) – If True, will automatically add @default_value to all dictionary entries that are not explicitly specified in @kwargs
default_value (any) – Default value to fill (None by default)
- Returns:
Modified dictionary
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.array_to_string(array)#
Converts a numeric array into the string format in mujoco.
[0, 1, 2] => “0 1 2”
- Parameters:
array (n-array) – Array to convert to a string
- Returns:
String equivalent of @array
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.convert_to_string(inp)#
- Converts any type of {bool, int, float, list, tuple, array, string, np.str_} into an mujoco-xml compatible string.
Note that an input string / np.str_ results in a no-op action.
- Parameters:
inp – Input to convert to string
- Returns:
String equivalent of @inp
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.find_elements(root, tags, attribs=None, return_first=True)#
Find all element(s) matching the requested @tag and @attributes. If @return_first is True, then will return the first element found matching the criteria specified. Otherwise, will return a list of elements that match the criteria.
- Parameters:
root (ET.Element) – Root of the xml element tree to start recursively searching through.
tags (str or list of str or set) – Tag(s) to search for in this ElementTree.
attribs (None or dict of str) – Element attribute(s) to check against for a filtered element. A match is considered found only if all attributes match. Each attribute key should have a corresponding value with which to compare against.
return_first (bool) – Whether to immediately return once the first matching element is found.
- Returns:
Matching element(s) found. Returns None if there was no match.
- Return type:
None or ET.Element or list of ET.Element
- robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.find_elements_by_substring(root, tags, substrings, attribs=None, return_first=False)#
Find all element(s) matching the requested @substrings and @attributes. If @return_first is True, then will return the first element found matching the criteria specified. Otherwise, will return a list of elements that match the criteria.
- Parameters:
root (ET.Element) – Root of the xml element tree to start recursively searching through.
tags (str or list of str or set) – Tag(s) to search for in this ElementTree.
substrings (str or list of str or set) – Substring(s) to search for in this ElementTree.
attribs (None or dict of str) – Element attribute(s) to check against for a filtered element. A match is considered found only if all attributes match. Each attribute key should have a corresponding value with which to compare against.
return_first (bool) – Whether to immediately return once the first matching element is found.
- Returns:
Matching element(s) found. Returns None if there was no match.
- Return type:
None or ET.Element or list of ET.Element
- robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.find_parent(element, target)#
Find the parent element of the target.
- robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.get_ids(sim, elements, element_type='geom', inplace=False)#
Grabs the mujoco IDs for each element in @elements, corresponding to the specified @element_type.
- Parameters:
sim (MjSim) – Active mujoco simulation object
elements (str or list or dict) – Element(s) to convert into IDs. Note that the return type corresponds to @elements type, where each element name is replaced with the ID
element_type (str) – The type of element to grab ID for. Options are {geom, body, site}
inplace (bool) – If False, will create a copy of @elements to prevent overwriting the original data structure
- Returns:
IDs corresponding to @elements.
- Return type:
str or list or dict
- robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.get_size(size, size_max, size_min, default_max, default_min)#
Helper method for providing a size, or a range to randomize from
- Parameters:
size (n-array) – Array of numbers that explicitly define the size
size_max (n-array) – Array of numbers that define the custom max size from which to randomly sample
size_min (n-array) – Array of numbers that define the custom min size from which to randomly sample
default_max (n-array) – Array of numbers that define the default max size from which to randomly sample
default_min (n-array) – Array of numbers that define the default min size from which to randomly sample
- Returns:
size generated
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – [Inconsistent array sizes]
- robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.new_actuator(name, joint, act_type='actuator', **kwargs)#
Creates an actuator tag with attributes specified by @**kwargs.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name for this actuator
joint (str) – type of actuator transmission. see all types here:
act_type (str) – actuator type. Defaults to “actuator”
**kwargs – Any additional specified attributes for the new joint
- Returns:
new actuator xml element
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.new_body(name, pos=(0, 0, 0), **kwargs)#
Creates a body element with attributes specified by @**kwargs.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name for this body
pos (3-array) – (x,y,z) 3d position of the body frame.
**kwargs – Any additional specified attributes for the new body
- Returns:
new body xml element
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.new_element(tag, name, **kwargs)#
Creates a new @tag element with attributes specified by @**kwargs.
- Parameters:
tag (str) – Type of element to create
name (None or str) – Name for this element. Should only be None for elements that do not have an explicit name attribute (e.g.: inertial elements)
**kwargs – Specified attributes for the new joint
- Returns:
new specified xml element
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.new_geom(name, type, size, pos=(0, 0, 0), group=0, **kwargs)#
Creates a geom element with attributes specified by @**kwargs.
- NOTE: With the exception of @geom_type, @size, and @pos, if any arg is set to
None, the value will automatically be popped before passing the values to create the appropriate XML
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name for this geom
type (str) – type of the geom. see all types here:
size (n-array of float) – geom size parameters.
pos (3-array) – (x,y,z) 3d position of the site.
group (int) – the integrer group that the geom belongs to. useful for separating visual and physical elements.
**kwargs – Any additional specified attributes for the new geom
- Returns:
new geom xml element
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.new_inertial(pos=(0, 0, 0), mass=None, **kwargs)#
Creates a inertial element with attributes specified by @**kwargs.
- Parameters:
pos (3-array) – (x,y,z) 3d position of the inertial frame.
mass (float) – The mass of inertial
**kwargs – Any additional specified attributes for the new inertial element
- Returns:
new inertial xml element
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.new_joint(name, **kwargs)#
Creates a joint tag with attributes specified by @**kwargs.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name for this joint
**kwargs – Specified attributes for the new joint
- Returns:
new joint xml element
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.new_site(name, rgba=[1, 0, 0, 1], pos=(0, 0, 0), size=(0.005,), **kwargs)#
Creates a site element with attributes specified by @**kwargs.
- NOTE: With the exception of @name, @pos, and @size, if any arg is set to
None, the value will automatically be popped before passing the values to create the appropriate XML
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name for this site
rgba (4-array) – (r,g,b,a) color and transparency. Defaults to solid red.
pos (3-array) – (x,y,z) 3d position of the site.
size (n-array of float) – site size (sites are spherical by default).
**kwargs – Any additional specified attributes for the new site
- Returns:
new site xml element
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.recolor_collision_geoms(root, rgba, exclude=None)#
Iteratively searches through all elements starting with @root to find all geoms belonging to group 0 and set the corresponding rgba value to the specified @rgba argument. Note: also removes any material values for these elements.
- Parameters:
root (ET.Element) – Root of the xml element tree to start recursively searching through
rgba (4-array) – (R, G, B, A) values to assign to all geoms with this group.
exclude (None or function) – Filtering function that should take in an ET.Element and return True if we should exclude the given element / attribute from having its collision geom impacted.
- robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.save_sim_model(sim, fname)#
Saves the current model xml from @sim at file location @fname.
- Parameters:
sim (MjSim) – XML file to save, in string form
fname (str) – Absolute filepath to the location to save the file
- robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.set_alpha(node, alpha=0.1)#
Sets all a(lpha) field of the rgba attribute to be @alpha for @node and all subnodes used for managing display
- Parameters:
node (ET.Element) – Specific node element within XML tree
alpha (float) – Value to set alpha value of rgba tuple
- robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.sort_elements(root, parent=None, element_filter=None, _elements_dict=None)#
Utility method to iteratively sort all elements based on @tags. This XML ElementTree will be parsed such that all elements with the same key as returned by @element_filter will be grouped as a list entry in the returned dictionary.
- Parameters:
root (ET.Element) – Root of the xml element tree to start recursively searching through
parent (ET.Element) – Parent of the root node. Default is None (no parent node initially)
element_filter (None or function) – Function used to filter the incoming elements. Should take in two ET.Elements (current_element, parent_element) and return a string filter_key if the element should be added to the list of values sorted by filter_key, and return None if no value should be added. If no element_filter is specified, defaults to self._element_filter.
_elements_dict (dict) – Dictionary that gets passed to recursive calls. Should not be modified externally by top-level call.
- Returns:
Filtered key-specific lists of the corresponding elements
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.string_to_array(string)#
Converts a array string in mujoco xml to np.array.
“0 1 2” => [0, 1, 2]
- Parameters:
string (str) – String to convert to an array
- Returns:
Numerical array equivalent of @string
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.mjcf_utils.xml_path_completion(xml_path, root=None)#
- Takes in a local xml path and returns a full path.
if @xml_path is absolute, do nothing if @xml_path is not absolute, load xml that is shipped by the package
- Parameters:
xml_path (str) – local xml path
root (str) – root folder for xml path. If not specified defaults to robosuite.models.assets_root
- Returns:
Full (absolute) xml path
- Return type:
robosuite.utils.mjmod module#
Modder classes used for domain randomization. Largely based off of the mujoco-py implementation below.
- class robosuite.utils.mjmod.BaseModder(sim, random_state=None)#
Base class meant to modify simulation attributes mid-sim.
Using @random_state ensures that sampling here won’t be affected by sampling that happens outside of the modders.
- Parameters:
sim (MjSim) – simulation object
random_state (RandomState) – instance of np.random.RandomState, specific seed used to randomize these modifications without impacting other numpy seeds / randomizations
- property model#
Returns: MjModel: Mujoco sim model
- class robosuite.utils.mjmod.CameraModder(sim, random_state=None, camera_names=None, randomize_position=True, randomize_rotation=True, randomize_fovy=True, position_perturbation_size=0.01, rotation_perturbation_size=0.087, fovy_perturbation_size=5.0)#
Modder for modifying camera attributes in mujoco sim
- Parameters:
sim (MjSim) – MjSim object
random_state (None or RandomState) – instance of np.random.RandomState
camera_names (None or list of str) – list of camera names to use for randomization. If not provided, all cameras are used for randomization.
randomize_position (bool) – if True, randomize camera position
randomize_rotation (bool) – if True, randomize camera rotation
randomize_fovy (bool) – if True, randomize camera fovy
position_perturbation_size (float) – size of camera position perturbations to each dimension
rotation_perturbation_size (float) – magnitude of camera rotation perturbations in axis-angle. Default corresponds to around 5 degrees.
fovy_perturbation_size (float) – magnitude of camera fovy perturbations (corresponds to focusing)
- Raises:
AssertionError – [No randomization selected]
- get_camid(name)#
Grabs unique id number of a specific camera
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the camera
- Returns:
id of camera. -1 if not found
- Return type:
- get_fovy(name)#
Grabs fovy of a specific camera
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the camera
- Returns:
vertical field of view of the camera, expressed in degrees
- Return type:
- Raises:
AssertionError – Invalid camera name
- get_pos(name)#
Grabs position of a specific camera
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the camera
- Returns:
(x,y,z) position of the camera
- Return type:
- Raises:
AssertionError – Invalid camera name
- get_quat(name)#
Grabs orientation of a specific camera
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the camera
- Returns:
(w,x,y,z) orientation of the camera, expressed in quaternions
- Return type:
- Raises:
AssertionError – Invalid camera name
- randomize()#
Randomizes all requested camera values within the sim
- restore_defaults()#
Reloads the saved parameter values.
- save_defaults()#
Uses the current MjSim state and model to save default parameter values.
- set_fovy(name, value)#
Sets fovy of a specific camera
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the camera
value (float) – vertical field of view of the camera, expressed in degrees
- Raises:
AssertionError – Invalid camera name
AssertionError – Invalid value
- set_pos(name, value)#
Sets position of a specific camera
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the camera
value (np.array) – (x,y,z) position of the camera
- Raises:
AssertionError – Invalid camera name
AssertionError – Invalid value
- set_quat(name, value)#
Sets orientation of a specific camera
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the camera
value (np.array) – (w,x,y,z) orientation of the camera, expressed in quaternions
- Raises:
AssertionError – Invalid camera name
AssertionError – Invalid value
- class robosuite.utils.mjmod.DynamicsModder(sim, random_state=None, randomize_density=True, randomize_viscosity=True, density_perturbation_ratio=0.1, viscosity_perturbation_ratio=0.1, body_names=None, randomize_position=True, randomize_quaternion=True, randomize_inertia=True, randomize_mass=True, position_perturbation_size=0.02, quaternion_perturbation_size=0.02, inertia_perturbation_ratio=0.02, mass_perturbation_ratio=0.02, geom_names=None, randomize_friction=True, randomize_solref=True, randomize_solimp=True, friction_perturbation_ratio=0.1, solref_perturbation_ratio=0.1, solimp_perturbation_ratio=0.1, joint_names=None, randomize_stiffness=True, randomize_frictionloss=True, randomize_damping=True, randomize_armature=True, stiffness_perturbation_ratio=0.1, frictionloss_perturbation_size=0.05, damping_perturbation_size=0.01, armature_perturbation_size=0.01)#
Modder for various dynamics properties of the mujoco model, such as friction, damping, etc. This can be used to modify parameters stored in MjModel (ie friction, damping, etc.) as well as optimizer parameters stored in PyMjOption (i.e.: medium density, viscosity, etc.) To modify a parameter, use the parameter to be changed as a keyword argument to self.mod and the new value as the value for that argument. Supports arbitrary many modifications in a single step. Example use:
sim = MjSim(…) modder = DynamicsModder(sim) modder.mod(“element1_name”, “attr1”, new_value1) modder.mod(“element2_name”, “attr2”, new_value2) … modder.update()
- NOTE: It is necessary to perform modder.update() after performing all modifications to make sure
the changes are propagated
NOTE: A full list of supported randomizable parameters can be seen by calling modder.dynamics_parameters
- NOTE: When modifying parameters belonging to MjModel.opt (e.g.: density, viscosity), no name should
be specified (set it as None in mod(…)). This is because opt does not have a name attribute associated with it
- Parameters:
sim (MjSim) – Mujoco sim instance
random_state (RandomState) – instance of np.random.RandomState
randomize_density (bool) – If True, randomizes global medium density
randomize_viscosity (bool) – If True, randomizes global medium viscosity
density_perturbation_ratio (float) – Relative (fraction) magnitude of default density randomization
viscosity_perturbation_ratio – Relative (fraction) magnitude of default viscosity randomization
body_names (None or list of str) – list of bodies to use for randomization. If not provided, all bodies in the model are randomized.
randomize_position (bool) – If True, randomizes body positions
randomize_quaternion (bool) – If True, randomizes body quaternions
randomize_inertia (bool) – If True, randomizes body inertias (only applicable for non-zero mass bodies)
randomize_mass (bool) – If True, randomizes body masses (only applicable for non-zero mass bodies)
position_perturbation_size (float) – Magnitude of body position randomization
quaternion_perturbation_size (float) – Magnitude of body quaternion randomization (angle in radians)
inertia_perturbation_ratio (float) – Relative (fraction) magnitude of body inertia randomization
mass_perturbation_ratio (float) – Relative (fraction) magnitude of body mass randomization
geom_names (None or list of str) – list of geoms to use for randomization. If not provided, all geoms in the model are randomized.
randomize_friction (bool) – If True, randomizes geom frictions
randomize_solref (bool) – If True, randomizes geom solrefs
randomize_solimp (bool) – If True, randomizes geom solimps
friction_perturbation_ratio (float) – Relative (fraction) magnitude of geom friction randomization
solref_perturbation_ratio (float) – Relative (fraction) magnitude of geom solref randomization
solimp_perturbation_ratio (float) – Relative (fraction) magnitude of geom solimp randomization
joint_names (None or list of str) – list of joints to use for randomization. If not provided, all joints in the model are randomized.
randomize_stiffness (bool) – If True, randomizes joint stiffnesses
randomize_frictionloss (bool) – If True, randomizes joint frictionlosses
randomize_damping (bool) – If True, randomizes joint dampings
randomize_armature (bool) – If True, randomizes joint armatures
stiffness_perturbation_ratio (float) – Relative (fraction) magnitude of joint stiffness randomization
frictionloss_perturbation_size (float) – Magnitude of joint frictionloss randomization
damping_perturbation_size (float) – Magnitude of joint damping randomization
armature_perturbation_size (float) – Magnitude of joint armature randomization
- property dynamics_parameters#
Returns: set: All dynamics parameters that can be randomized using this modder.
- mod(name, attr, val)#
General method to modify dynamics parameter @attr to be new value @val, associated with element @name.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of element to modify parameter. This can be a body, geom, or joint name. If modifying an opt parameter, this should be set to None
attr (str) – Name of the dynamics parameter to modify. Valid options are self.dynamics_parameters
val (int or float or n-array) – New value(s) to set for the given dynamics parameter. The type of this argument should match the expected type for the given parameter.
- mod_armature(name, val)#
Modifies the @name’s joint armature within the simulation. See for more details.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name for this element.
val (float) – New armature.
- mod_damping(name, val)#
Modifies the @name’s joint damping within the simulation. See for more details.
- NOTE: If the requested joint is a free joint, it will be ignored since it does not
make physical sense to have damping associated with this joint (air drag / damping is already captured implicitly by the medium density / viscosity values)
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name for this element.
val (float) – New damping.
- mod_density(name=None, val=0.0)#
Modifies the global medium density of the simulation. See for more details.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name for this element. Should be left as None (opt has no name attribute)
val (float) – New density value.
- mod_friction(name, val)#
Modifies the @name’s geom friction within the simulation. See for more details.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name for this element.
val (3-array) – New (sliding, torsional, rolling) friction values.
- mod_frictionloss(name, val)#
Modifies the @name’s joint frictionloss within the simulation. See for more details.
- NOTE: If the requested joint is a free joint, it will be ignored since it does not
make physical sense to have friction loss associated with this joint (air drag / damping is already captured implicitly by the medium density / viscosity values)
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name for this element.
val (float) – New friction loss.
- mod_inertia(name, val)#
Modifies the @name’s relative body inertia within the simulation. See for more details.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name for this element.
val (3-array) – New (ixx, iyy, izz) diagonal values in the inertia matrix.
- mod_mass(name, val)#
Modifies the @name’s mass within the simulation. See for more details.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name for this element.
val (float) – New mass.
- mod_position(name, val=(0, 0, 0))#
Modifies the @name’s relative body position within the simulation. See for more details.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name for this element.
val (3-array) – New (x, y, z) relative position.
- mod_quaternion(name, val=(1, 0, 0, 0))#
Modifies the @name’s relative body orientation (quaternion) within the simulation. See for more details.
Note: This method automatically normalizes the inputted value.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name for this element.
val (4-array) – New (w, x, y, z) relative quaternion.
- mod_solimp(name, val)#
Modifies the @name’s geom contact solver impedance parameters within the simulation. See for more details.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name for this element.
val (5-array) – New (dmin, dmax, width, midpoint, power) solimp values.
- mod_solref(name, val)#
Modifies the @name’s geom contact solver parameters within the simulation. See for more details.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name for this element.
val (2-array) – New (timeconst, dampratio) solref values.
- mod_stiffness(name, val)#
Modifies the @name’s joint stiffness within the simulation. See for more details.
- NOTE: If the stiffness is already at 0, we IGNORE this value since a non-stiff joint (i.e.: free-turning)
joint is fundamentally different than a stiffened joint)
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name for this element.
val (float) – New stiffness.
- mod_viscosity(name=None, val=0.0)#
Modifies the global medium viscosity of the simulation. See for more details.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name for this element. Should be left as None (opt has no name attribute)
val (float) – New viscosity value.
- property opt#
Returns: PyMjOption: MjModel sim options
- randomize()#
Randomizes all enabled dynamics parameters in the simulation
- restore_defaults()#
Restores the default values curently saved in this modder
- save_defaults()#
Grabs the current values for all parameters in sim and stores them as default values
- update()#
Propagates the changes made up to this point through the simulation
- class robosuite.utils.mjmod.LightingModder(sim, random_state=None, light_names=None, randomize_position=True, randomize_direction=True, randomize_specular=True, randomize_ambient=True, randomize_diffuse=True, randomize_active=True, position_perturbation_size=0.1, direction_perturbation_size=0.35, specular_perturbation_size=0.1, ambient_perturbation_size=0.1, diffuse_perturbation_size=0.1)#
Modder to modify lighting within a Mujoco simulation.
- Parameters:
sim (MjSim) – MjSim object
random_state (RandomState) – instance of np.random.RandomState
light_names (None or list of str) – list of lights to use for randomization. If not provided, all lights in the model are randomized.
randomize_position (bool) – If True, randomizes position of lighting
randomize_direction (bool) – If True, randomizes direction of lighting
randomize_specular (bool) – If True, randomizes specular attribute of lighting
randomize_ambient (bool) – If True, randomizes ambient attribute of lighting
randomize_diffuse (bool) – If True, randomizes diffuse attribute of lighting
randomize_active (bool) – If True, randomizes active nature of lighting
position_perturbation_size (float) – Magnitude of position randomization
direction_perturbation_size (float) – Magnitude of direction randomization
specular_perturbation_size (float) – Magnitude of specular attribute randomization
ambient_perturbation_size (float) – Magnitude of ambient attribute randomization
diffuse_perturbation_size (float) – Magnitude of diffuse attribute randomization
- get_active(name)#
Grabs active nature of a specific light source
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the lighting source
- Returns:
Whether light source is active (1) or not (0)
- Return type:
- Raises:
AssertionError – Invalid light name
- get_ambient(name)#
Grabs ambient attribute of a specific light source
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the lighting source
- Returns:
(r,g,b) ambient color of lighting source
- Return type:
- Raises:
AssertionError – Invalid light name
- get_diffuse(name)#
Grabs diffuse attribute of a specific light source
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the lighting source
- Returns:
(r,g,b) diffuse color of lighting source
- Return type:
- Raises:
AssertionError – Invalid light name
- get_dir(name)#
Grabs direction of a specific light source
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the lighting source
- Returns:
(x,y,z) direction of lighting source
- Return type:
- Raises:
AssertionError – Invalid light name
- get_lightid(name)#
Grabs unique id number of a specific light source
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the lighting source
- Returns:
id of lighting source. -1 if not found
- Return type:
- get_pos(name)#
Grabs position of a specific light source
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the lighting source
- Returns:
(x,y,z) position of lighting source
- Return type:
- Raises:
AssertionError – Invalid light name
- get_specular(name)#
Grabs specular attribute of a specific light source
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the lighting source
- Returns:
(r,g,b) specular color of lighting source
- Return type:
- Raises:
AssertionError – Invalid light name
- randomize()#
Randomizes all requested lighting values within the sim
- restore_defaults()#
Reloads the saved parameter values.
- save_defaults()#
Uses the current MjSim state and model to save default parameter values.
- set_active(name, value)#
Sets active nature of a specific light source
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the lighting source
value (int) – Whether light source is active (1) or not (0)
- Raises:
AssertionError – Invalid light name
- set_ambient(name, value)#
Sets ambient attribute of a specific light source
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the lighting source
value (np.array) – (r,g,b) ambient color to set lighting source to
- Raises:
AssertionError – Invalid light name
AssertionError – Invalid @value
- set_diffuse(name, value)#
Sets diffuse attribute of a specific light source
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the lighting source
value (np.array) – (r,g,b) diffuse color to set lighting source to
- Raises:
AssertionError – Invalid light name
AssertionError – Invalid @value
- set_dir(name, value)#
Sets direction of a specific light source
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the lighting source
value (np.array) – (ax,ay,az) direction to set lighting source to
- Raises:
AssertionError – Invalid light name
AssertionError – Invalid @value
- set_pos(name, value)#
Sets position of a specific light source
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the lighting source
value (np.array) – (x,y,z) position to set lighting source to
- Raises:
AssertionError – Invalid light name
AssertionError – Invalid @value
- set_specular(name, value)#
Sets specular attribute of a specific light source
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the lighting source
value (np.array) – (r,g,b) specular color to set lighting source to
- Raises:
AssertionError – Invalid light name
AssertionError – Invalid @value
- class robosuite.utils.mjmod.Texture(model, tex_id)#
Helper class for operating on the MuJoCo textures.
- Parameters:
model (MjModel) – Mujoco sim model
tex_id (int) – id of specific texture in mujoco sim
- property bitmap#
Grabs color bitmap associated with this texture from the mujoco sim.
- Returns:
3d-array representing the rgb texture bitmap
- Return type:
- height#
- id#
- tex_adr#
- tex_rgb#
- type#
- width#
- class robosuite.utils.mjmod.TextureModder(sim, random_state=None, geom_names=None, randomize_local=False, randomize_material=False, local_rgb_interpolation=0.1, local_material_interpolation=0.2, texture_variations=('rgb', 'checker', 'noise', 'gradient'), randomize_skybox=True)#
- Modify textures in model. Example use:
sim = MjSim(…) modder = TextureModder(sim) modder.whiten_materials() # ensures materials won’t impact colors modder.set_checker(‘some_geom’, (255, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) modder.rand_all(‘another_geom’)
Note: in order for the textures to take full effect, you’ll need to set the rgba values for all materials to [1, 1, 1, 1], otherwise the texture colors will be modulated by the material colors. Call the whiten_materials helper method to set all material colors to white.
- Parameters:
sim (MjSim) – MjSim object
random_state (RandomState) – instance of np.random.RandomState
geom_names ([string]) – list of geom names to use for randomization. If not provided, all geoms are used for randomization.
randomize_local (bool) – if True, constrain RGB color variations to be close to the original RGB colors per geom and texture. Otherwise, RGB color values will be sampled uniformly at random.
randomize_material (bool) – if True, randomizes material properties associated with a given texture (reflectance, shininess, specular)
local_rgb_interpolation (float) – determines the size of color variations from the base geom colors when @randomize_local is True.
local_material_interpolation (float) – determines the size of material variations from the base material when @randomize_local and @randomize_material are both True.
texture_variations (list of str) – a list of texture variation strings. Each string must be either ‘rgb’, ‘checker’, ‘noise’, or ‘gradient’ and corresponds to a specific kind of texture randomization. For each geom that has a material and texture, a random variation from this list is sampled and applied.
randomize_skybox (bool) – if True, apply texture variations to the skybox as well.
- get_checker_matrices(name)#
Grabs checker pattern matrix associated with @name.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of geom
- Returns:
3d-array representing rgb checker pattern
- Return type:
- get_geom_rgb(name)#
Grabs rgb color of a specific geom
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the geom
- Returns:
(r,g,b) geom colors
- Return type:
- get_material(name)#
Grabs material of a specific geom
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the geom
- Returns:
(reflectance, shininess, specular) material properties associated with the geom
- Return type:
- get_rand_rgb(n=1)#
Grabs a batch of random rgb tuple combos
- Parameters:
n (int) – How many sets of rgb tuples to randomly generate
- Returns:
if n > 1, each tuple entry is a rgb tuple. else, single (r,g,b) array
- Return type:
np.array or n-tuple
- get_texture(name)#
Grabs texture of a specific geom
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the geom
- Returns:
texture associated with the geom
- Return type:
- rand_checker(name)#
Generates a random checker pattern for a specific geom
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the geom to randomize for
- rand_gradient(name)#
Generates a random gradient pattern for a specific geom
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the geom to randomize for
- rand_noise(name)#
Generates a random RGB noise pattern for a specific geom
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the geom to randomize for
- rand_rgb(name)#
Generates a random RGB color for a specific geom
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the geom to randomize for
- randomize()#
Overrides mujoco-py implementation to also randomize color for geoms that have no material.
- restore_defaults()#
Reloads the saved parameter values.
- save_defaults()#
Uses the current MjSim state and model to save default parameter values.
- set_checker(name, rgb1, rgb2, perturb=False)#
Use the two checker matrices to create a checker pattern from the two colors, and set it as the texture for geom @name.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of geom
rgb1 (3-array) – (r,g,b) value for one half of checker pattern
rgb2 (3-array) – (r,g,b) value for other half of checker pattern
perturb (bool) – Whether to perturb the resulting checker pattern or not
- set_geom_rgb(name, rgb)#
Sets rgb color of a specific geom
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the geom
rgb (np.array) – (r,g,b) geom colors
- set_gradient(name, rgb1, rgb2, vertical=True, perturb=False)#
Creates a linear gradient from rgb1 to rgb2.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of geom
rgb1 (3-array) – start color
rgb2 (3- array) – end color
vertical (bool) – if True, the gradient in the positive y-direction, if False it’s in the positive x-direction.
perturb (bool) – Whether to perturb the resulting gradient pattern or not
- set_material(name, material, perturb=False)#
Sets the material that corresponds to geom @name.
If @perturb is True, then use the computed material to perturb the default material slightly, instead of replacing it.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the geom
material (np.array) – (reflectance, shininess, specular) material properties associated with the geom
perturb (bool) – Whether to perturb the inputted material properties or not
- set_noise(name, rgb1, rgb2, fraction=0.9, perturb=False)#
Sets the texture bitmap for geom @name to a noise pattern
- Parameters:
name (str) – name of geom
rgb1 (3-array) – background color
rgb2 (3-array) – color of random noise foreground color
fraction (float) – fraction of pixels with foreground color
perturb (bool) – Whether to perturb the resulting color pattern or not
- set_rgb(name, rgb, perturb=False)#
Just set the texture bitmap for geom @name to a constant rgb value.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of geom
rgb (3-array) – desired (r,g,b) color
perturb (bool) – Whether to perturb the resulting color pattern or not
- set_texture(name, bitmap, perturb=False)#
Sets the bitmap for the texture that corresponds to geom @name.
If @perturb is True, then use the computed bitmap to perturb the default bitmap slightly, instead of replacing it.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the geom
bitmap (np.array) – 3d-array representing rgb pixel-wise values
perturb (bool) – Whether to perturb the inputted bitmap or not
- upload_texture(name, device_id=0)#
Uploads the texture to the GPU so it’s available in the rendering.
- Parameters:
name (str) – name of geom
- whiten_materials()#
Extends modder.TextureModder to also whiten geom_rgba
Helper method for setting all material colors to white, otherwise the texture modifications won’t take full effect.
robosuite.utils.numba module#
Numba utils.
- robosuite.utils.numba.jit_decorator(func)#
robosuite.utils.observables module#
- robosuite.utils.observables.NO_CORRUPTION(inp)#
- robosuite.utils.observables.NO_DELAY()#
- robosuite.utils.observables.NO_FILTER(inp)#
- class robosuite.utils.observables.Observable(name, sensor, corrupter=None, filter=None, delayer=None, sampling_rate=20, enabled=True, active=True)#
Base class for all observables – defines interface for interacting with sensors
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name for this observable
sensor (function with sensor decorator) – Method to grab raw sensor data for this observable. Should take in a single dict argument (observation cache if a pre-computed value is required) and return the raw sensor data for the current timestep. Must handle case if inputted argument is empty ({}), and should have sensor decorator when defined
corrupter (None or function) – Method to corrupt the raw sensor data for this observable. Should take in the output of @sensor and return the same type (corrupted data). If None, results in default no corruption
filter (None or function) – Method to filter the outputted reading for this observable. Should take in the output of @corrupter and return the same type (filtered data). If None, results in default no filter. Note that this function can also double as an observer, where sampled data is recorded by this function.
delayer (None or function) – Method to delay the raw sensor data when polling this observable. Should take in no arguments and return a float, for the number of seconds to delay the measurement by. If None, results in default no delayer
sampling_rate (float) – Sampling rate for this observable (Hz)
enabled (bool) – Whether this sensor is enabled or not. If enabled, this observable’s values are continually computed / updated every time update() is called.
active (bool) – Whether this sensor is active or not. If active, this observable’s current observed value is returned from self.obs, otherwise self.obs returns None.
- is_active()#
Determines whether observable is active or not. This observable is considered active if its current observation value is being returned in self.obs.
- Returns:
True if this observable is active
- Return type:
- is_enabled()#
Determines whether observable is enabled or not. This observable is considered enabled if its values are being continually computed / updated during each update() call.
- Returns:
True if this observable is enabled
- Return type:
- property modality#
Modality of this sensor
- Returns:
Modality name for this observable
- Return type:
- property obs#
Current observation from this observable
- Returns:
If active, current observed value from this observable. Otherwise, None
- Return type:
None or float or np.array
- reset()#
Resets this observable’s internal values (but does not reset its sensor, corrupter, delayer, or filter)
- set_active(active)#
Sets whether this observable is active or not. If active, this observable’s current observed value is returned from self.obs, otherwise self.obs returns None.
- Parameters:
active (bool) – True if this observable should be active
- set_corrupter(corrupter)#
Sets the corrupter for this observable.
- Parameters:
corrupter (None or function) – Method to corrupt the raw sensor data for this observable. Should take in the output of self.sensor and return the same type (corrupted data). If None, results in default no corruption
- set_delayer(delayer)#
Sets the delayer for this observable.
- Parameters:
delayer (None or function) – Method to delay the raw sensor data when polling this observable. Should take in no arguments and return a float, for the number of seconds to delay the measurement by. If None, results in default no filter
- set_enabled(enabled)#
Sets whether this observable is enabled or not. If enabled, this observable’s values are continually computed / updated every time update() is called.
- Parameters:
enabled (bool) – True if this observable should be enabled
- set_filter(filter)#
Sets the filter for this observable. Note that this function can also double as an observer, where sampled data is recorded by this function.
- Parameters:
filter (None or function) – Method to filter the outputted reading for this observable. Should take in the output of @corrupter and return the same type (filtered data). If None, results in default no filter
- set_sampling_rate(rate)#
Sets the sampling rate for this observable.
- Parameters:
rate (int) – New sampling rate for this observable (Hz)
- set_sensor(sensor)#
Sets the sensor for this observable.
- Parameters:
sensor (function with sensor decorator) – Method to grab raw sensor data for this observable. Should take in a single dict argument (observation cache if a pre-computed value is required) and return the raw sensor data for the current timestep. Must handle case if inputted argument is empty ({}), and should have sensor decorator when defined
- update(timestep, obs_cache, force=False)#
Updates internal values for this observable, if enabled.
- Parameters:
timestep (float) – Amount of simulation time (in sec) that has passed since last call.
obs_cache (dict) – Observation cache mapping observable names to pre-computed values to pass to sensor. This will be updated in-place during this call.
force (bool) – If True, will force the observable to update its internal value to the newest value.
- robosuite.utils.observables.create_deterministic_corrupter(corruption, low=-inf, high=inf)#
Creates a deterministic corrupter that applies the same corrupted value to all sensor values
- Parameters:
corruption (float) – Corruption to apply
low (float) – Minimum value for output for clipping
high (float) – Maximum value for output for clipping
- Returns:
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.observables.create_deterministic_delayer(delay)#
Create a deterministic delayer that always returns the same delay value
- Parameters:
delay (float) – Delay value to return
- Returns:
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.observables.create_gaussian_noise_corrupter(mean, std, low=-inf, high=inf)#
Creates a corrupter that applies gaussian noise to a given input with mean @mean and std dev @std
- Parameters:
mean (float) – Mean of the noise to apply
std (float) – Standard deviation of the noise to apply
low (float) – Minimum value for output for clipping
high (float) – Maxmimum value for output for clipping
- Returns:
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.observables.create_gaussian_sampled_delayer(mean, std)#
Creates a gaussian sampled delayer, with average delay @mean which varies by standard deviation @std
- Parameters:
mean (float) – Average delay
std (float) – Standard deviation of the delay variation
- Returns:
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.observables.create_uniform_noise_corrupter(min_noise, max_noise, low=-inf, high=inf)#
Creates a corrupter that applies uniform noise to a given input within range @low to @high
- Parameters:
min_noise (float) – Minimum noise to apply
max_noise (float) – Maximum noise to apply
low (float) – Minimum value for output for clipping
high (float) – Maxmimum value for output for clipping
- Returns:
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.observables.create_uniform_sampled_delayer(min_delay, max_delay)#
Creates uniformly sampled delayer, with minimum delay @low and maximum delay @high, both inclusive
- Parameters:
min_delay (float) – Minimum possible delay
max_delay (float) – Maxmimum possible delay
- Returns:
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.observables.sensor(modality)#
Decorator that should be added to any sensors that will be an observable.
Decorated functions should have signature:
any = func(obs_cache)
Where @obs_cache is a dictionary mapping observable keys to pre-computed values, and @any is either a scalar or array. This function should also handle the case if obs_cache is either None or an empty dict.
An example use case is shown below:
>>> @sensor(modality="proprio") >>> def joint_pos(obs_cache): # Always handle case if obs_cache is empty if not obs_cache: return np.zeros(7) # Otherwise, run necessary calculations and return output ... out = ... return out
- Parameters:
modality (str) – Modality for this sensor
- Returns:
decorator function
- Return type:
robosuite.utils.opencv_renderer module#
robosuite.utils.placement_samplers module#
- class robosuite.utils.placement_samplers.ObjectPositionSampler(name, mujoco_objects=None, ensure_object_boundary_in_range=True, ensure_valid_placement=True, reference_pos=(0, 0, 0), z_offset=0.0)#
Base class of object placement sampler.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of this sampler.
mujoco_objects (None or MujocoObject or list of MujocoObject) – single model or list of MJCF object models
ensure_object_boundary_in_range (bool) – If True, will ensure that the object is enclosed within a given boundary (should be implemented by subclass)
ensure_valid_placement (bool) – If True, will check for correct (valid) object placements
reference_pos (3-array) – global (x,y,z) position relative to which sampling will occur
z_offset (float) – Add a small z-offset to placements. This is useful for fixed objects that do not move (i.e. no free joint) to place them above the table.
- add_objects(mujoco_objects)#
Add additional objects to this sampler. Checks to make sure there’s no identical objects already stored.
- Parameters:
mujoco_objects (MujocoObject or list of MujocoObject) – single model or list of MJCF object models
- reset()#
Resets this sampler. Removes all mujoco objects from this sampler.
- sample(fixtures=None, reference=None, on_top=True)#
Uniformly sample on a surface (not necessarily table surface).
- Parameters:
fixtures (dict) – dictionary of current object placements in the scene as well as any other relevant obstacles that should not be in contact with newly sampled objects. Used to make sure newly generated placements are valid. Should be object names mapped to (pos, quat, MujocoObject)
reference (str or 3-tuple or None) – if provided, sample relative placement. Can either be a string, which corresponds to an existing object found in @fixtures, or a direct (x,y,z) value. If None, will sample relative to this sampler’s ‘reference_pos’ value.
on_top (bool) – if True, sample placement on top of the reference object.
- Returns:
- dictionary of all object placements, mapping object_names to (pos, quat, obj), including the
placements specified in @fixtures. Note quat is in (w,x,y,z) form
- Return type:
- class robosuite.utils.placement_samplers.SequentialCompositeSampler(name)#
Samples position for each object sequentially. Allows chaining multiple placement initializers together - so that object locations can be sampled on top of other objects or relative to other object placements.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of this sampler.
- add_objects(mujoco_objects)#
Override super method to make sure user doesn’t call this (all objects should implicitly belong to sub-samplers)
- add_objects_to_sampler(sampler_name, mujoco_objects)#
Adds specified @mujoco_objects to sub-sampler with specified @sampler_name.
- Parameters:
sampler_name (str) – Existing sub-sampler name
mujoco_objects (MujocoObject or list of MujocoObject) – Object(s) to add
- append_sampler(sampler, sample_args=None)#
Adds a new placement initializer with corresponding @sampler and arguments
- Parameters:
sampler (ObjectPositionSampler) – sampler to add
sample_args (None or dict) – If specified, should be additional arguments to pass to @sampler’s sample() call. Should map corresponding sampler’s arguments to values (excluding @fixtures argument)
- Raises:
AssertionError – [Object name in samplers]
- hide(mujoco_objects)#
Helper method to remove an object from the workspace.
- Parameters:
mujoco_objects (MujocoObject or list of MujocoObject) – Object(s) to hide
- reset()#
Resets this sampler. In addition to base method, iterates over all sub-samplers and resets them
- sample(fixtures=None, reference=None, on_top=True)#
Sample from each placement initializer sequentially, in the order that they were appended.
- Parameters:
fixtures (dict) – dictionary of current object placements in the scene as well as any other relevant obstacles that should not be in contact with newly sampled objects. Used to make sure newly generated placements are valid. Should be object names mapped to (pos, quat, MujocoObject)
reference (str or 3-tuple or None) – if provided, sample relative placement. This will override each sampler’s @reference argument if not already specified. Can either be a string, which corresponds to an existing object found in @fixtures, or a direct (x,y,z) value. If None, will sample relative to this sampler’s ‘reference_pos’ value.
on_top (bool) – if True, sample placement on top of the reference object. This will override each sampler’s @on_top argument if not already specified. This corresponds to a sampled z-offset of the current sampled object’s bottom_offset + the reference object’s top_offset (if specified)
- Returns:
- dictionary of all object placements, mapping object_names to (pos, quat, obj), including the
placements specified in @fixtures. Note quat is in (w,x,y,z) form
- Return type:
- Raises:
RandomizationError – [Cannot place all objects]
- class robosuite.utils.placement_samplers.UniformRandomSampler(name, mujoco_objects=None, x_range=(0, 0), y_range=(0, 0), rotation=None, rotation_axis='z', ensure_object_boundary_in_range=True, ensure_valid_placement=True, reference_pos=(0, 0, 0), z_offset=0.0)#
Places all objects within the table uniformly random.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of this sampler.
mujoco_objects (None or MujocoObject or list of MujocoObject) – single model or list of MJCF object models
x_range (2-array of float) – Specify the (min, max) relative x_range used to uniformly place objects
y_range (2-array of float) – Specify the (min, max) relative y_range used to uniformly place objects
rotation (None or float or Iterable) –
- None:
Add uniform random random rotation
- Iterable (a,b):
Uniformly randomize rotation angle between a and b (in radians)
- value:
Add fixed angle rotation
rotation_axis (str) – Can be ‘x’, ‘y’, or ‘z’. Axis about which to apply the requested rotation
ensure_object_boundary_in_range (bool) –
- True:
The center of object is at position: [uniform(min x_range + radius, max x_range - radius)], [uniform(min x_range + radius, max x_range - radius)]
- False:
[uniform(min x_range, max x_range)], [uniform(min x_range, max x_range)]
ensure_valid_placement (bool) – If True, will check for correct (valid) object placements
reference_pos (3-array) – global (x,y,z) position relative to which sampling will occur
z_offset (float) – Add a small z-offset to placements. This is useful for fixed objects that do not move (i.e. no free joint) to place them above the table.
- sample(fixtures=None, reference=None, on_top=True)#
Uniformly sample relative to this sampler’s reference_pos or @reference (if specified).
- Parameters:
fixtures (dict) – dictionary of current object placements in the scene as well as any other relevant obstacles that should not be in contact with newly sampled objects. Used to make sure newly generated placements are valid. Should be object names mapped to (pos, quat, MujocoObject)
reference (str or 3-tuple or None) – if provided, sample relative placement. Can either be a string, which corresponds to an existing object found in @fixtures, or a direct (x,y,z) value. If None, will sample relative to this sampler’s ‘reference_pos’ value.
on_top (bool) – if True, sample placement on top of the reference object. This corresponds to a sampled z-offset of the current sampled object’s bottom_offset + the reference object’s top_offset (if specified)
- Returns:
- dictionary of all object placements, mapping object_names to (pos, quat, obj), including the
placements specified in @fixtures. Note quat is in (w,x,y,z) form
- Return type:
- Raises:
RandomizationError – [Cannot place all objects]
AssertionError – [Reference object name does not exist, invalid inputs]
robosuite.utils.robot_composition_utils module#
- robosuite.utils.robot_composition_utils.create_composite_robot(name: str, robot: str, base: str | None = None, grippers: str | List[str] | Tuple[str] | None = None) RobotModel #
Factory function to create a composite robot
- robosuite.utils.robot_composition_utils.get_target_type(base) str #
Returns the target type of the robot
robosuite.utils.robot_utils module#
- robosuite.utils.robot_utils.check_bimanual(robot_name)#
Utility function that returns whether the inputted robot_name is a bimanual robot or not
- Parameters:
robot_name (str) – Name of the robot to check
- Returns:
True if the inputted robot is a bimanual robot
- Return type:
robosuite.utils.sim_utils module#
Collection of useful simulation utilities
- robosuite.utils.sim_utils.check_contact(sim, geoms_1, geoms_2=None)#
Finds contact between two geom groups. :param sim: Current simulation object :type sim: MjSim :param geoms_1: an individual geom name or list of geom names or a model. If
a MujocoModel is specified, the geoms checked will be its contact_geoms
- Parameters:
geoms_2 (str or list of str or MujocoModel or None) – another individual geom name or list of geom names. If a MujocoModel is specified, the geoms checked will be its contact_geoms. If None, will check any collision with @geoms_1 to any other geom in the environment
- Returns:
True if any geom in @geoms_1 is in contact with any geom in @geoms_2.
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.sim_utils.get_contacts(sim, model)#
Checks for any contacts with @model (as defined by @model’s contact_geoms) and returns the set of geom names currently in contact with that model (excluding the geoms that are part of the model itself). :param sim: Current simulation model :type sim: MjSim :param model: Model to check contacts for. :type model: MujocoModel
- Returns:
Unique geoms that are actively in contact with this model.
- Return type:
- Raises:
AssertionError – [Invalid input type]
robosuite.utils.traj_utils module#
- class robosuite.utils.traj_utils.Interpolator#
General interpolator interface.
- abstract get_interpolated_goal()#
Provides the next step in interpolation given the remaining steps.
- Returns:
Next interpolated step
- Return type:
- class robosuite.utils.traj_utils.LinearInterpolator(ndim, controller_freq, policy_freq, ramp_ratio=0.2, use_delta_goal=False, ori_interpolate=None)#
Simple class for implementing a linear interpolator.
Abstracted to interpolate n-dimensions
- Parameters:
ndim (int) – Number of dimensions to interpolate
controller_freq (float) – Frequency (Hz) of the controller
policy_freq (float) – Frequency (Hz) of the policy model
ramp_ratio (float) –
Percentage of interpolation timesteps across which we will interpolate to a goal position.
- Note:
Num total interpolation steps will be equal to np.floor(ramp_ratio * controller_freq / policy_freq) i.e.: how many controller steps we get per action space update
ori_interpolate (None or str) –
If set, assumes that we are interpolating angles (orientation) Specified string determines assumed type of input:
’euler’: Euler orientation inputs ‘quat’: Quaternion inputs
- get_interpolated_goal()#
Provides the next step in interpolation given the remaining steps.
NOTE: If this interpolator is for orientation, it is assumed to be receiving either euler angles or quaternions
- Returns:
Next position in the interpolated trajectory
- Return type:
- set_goal(goal)#
Takes a requested (absolute) goal and updates internal parameters for next interpolation step
- Parameters:
np.array – Requested goal (absolute value). Should be same dimension as self.dim
- set_states(dim=None, ori=None)#
Updates self.dim and self.ori_interpolate.
Initializes self.start and self.goal with correct dimensions.
- Parameters:
ndim (None or int) – Number of dimensions to interpolate
ori_interpolate (None or str) –
If set, assumes that we are interpolating angles (orientation) Specified string determines assumed type of input:
’euler’: Euler orientation inputs ‘quat’: Quaternion inputs
robosuite.utils.transform_utils module#
Utility functions of matrix and vector transformations.
NOTE: convention for quaternions is (x, y, z, w)
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.axisangle2quat(vec)#
Converts scaled axis-angle to quat.
- Parameters:
vec (np.array) – (ax,ay,az) axis-angle exponential coordinates
- Returns:
(x,y,z,w) vec4 float angles
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.clip_rotation(quat, limit)#
Limits a (delta) rotation to a specified limit
Converts rotation to axis-angle, clips, then re-converts back into quaternion
- Parameters:
quat (np.array) – (x,y,z,w) rotation being clipped
limit (float) – Value to limit rotation by – magnitude (scalar, in radians)
- Returns:
(np.array) Clipped rotation quaternion (x, y, z, w)
(bool) whether the value was clipped or not
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.clip_translation(dpos, limit)#
Limits a translation (delta position) to a specified limit
Scales down the norm of the dpos to ‘limit’ if norm(dpos) > limit, else returns immediately
- Parameters:
dpos (n-array) – n-dim Translation being clipped (e,g.: (x, y, z)) – numpy array
limit (float) – Value to limit translation by – magnitude (scalar, in same units as input)
- Returns:
(np.array) Clipped translation (same dimension as inputs)
(bool) whether the value was clipped or not
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.convert_quat(q, to='xyzw')#
Converts quaternion from one convention to another. The convention to convert TO is specified as an optional argument. If to == ‘xyzw’, then the input is in ‘wxyz’ format, and vice-versa.
- Parameters:
q (np.array) – a 4-dim array corresponding to a quaternion
to (str) – either ‘xyzw’ or ‘wxyz’, determining which convention to convert to.
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.euler2mat(euler)#
Converts euler angles into rotation matrix form
- Parameters:
euler (np.array) – (r,p,y) angles
- Returns:
3x3 rotation matrix
- Return type:
- Raises:
AssertionError – [Invalid input shape]
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.force_in_A_to_force_in_B(force_A, torque_A, pose_A_in_B)#
Converts linear and rotational force at a point in frame A to the equivalent in frame B.
- Parameters:
force_A (np.array) – (fx,fy,fz) linear force in A
torque_A (np.array) – (tx,ty,tz) rotational force (moment) in A
pose_A_in_B (np.array) – 4x4 matrix corresponding to the pose of A in frame B
- Returns:
(np.array) (fx,fy,fz) linear forces in frame B
(np.array) (tx,ty,tz) moments in frame B
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.get_orientation_error(target_orn, current_orn)#
Returns the difference between two quaternion orientations as a 3 DOF numpy array. For use in an impedance controller / task-space PD controller.
- Parameters:
target_orn (np.array) – (x, y, z, w) desired quaternion orientation
current_orn (np.array) – (x, y, z, w) current quaternion orientation
- Returns:
- (ax,ay,az) current orientation error, corresponds to
(target_orn - current_orn)
- Return type:
orn_error (np.array)
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.get_pose_error(target_pose, current_pose)#
Computes the error corresponding to target pose - current pose as a 6-dim vector. The first 3 components correspond to translational error while the last 3 components correspond to the rotational error.
- Parameters:
target_pose (np.array) – a 4x4 homogenous matrix for the target pose
current_pose (np.array) – a 4x4 homogenous matrix for the current pose
- Returns:
6-dim pose error.
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.make_pose(translation, rotation)#
Makes a homogeneous pose matrix from a translation vector and a rotation matrix.
- Parameters:
translation (np.array) – (x,y,z) translation value
rotation (np.array) – a 3x3 matrix representing rotation
- Returns:
a 4x4 homogeneous matrix
- Return type:
pose (np.array)
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.mat2euler(rmat, axes='sxyz')#
Converts given rotation matrix to euler angles in radian.
- Parameters:
rmat (np.array) – 3x3 rotation matrix
axes (str) – One of 24 axis sequences as string or encoded tuple (see top of this module)
- Returns:
(r,p,y) converted euler angles in radian vec3 float
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.mat2pose(hmat)#
Converts a homogeneous 4x4 matrix into pose.
- Parameters:
hmat (np.array) – a 4x4 homogeneous matrix
- Returns:
(np.array) (x,y,z) position array in cartesian coordinates
(np.array) (x,y,z,w) orientation array in quaternion form
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.mat2quat(rmat)#
Converts given rotation matrix to quaternion.
- Parameters:
rmat (np.array) – 3x3 rotation matrix
- Returns:
(x,y,z,w) float quaternion angles
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.mat4(array)#
Converts an array to 4x4 matrix.
- Parameters:
array (n-array) – the array in form of vec, list, or tuple
- Returns:
a 4x4 numpy matrix
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.matrix_inverse(matrix)#
Helper function to have an efficient matrix inversion function.
- Parameters:
matrix (np.array) – 2d-array representing a matrix
- Returns:
2d-array representing the matrix inverse
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.pose2mat(pose)#
Converts pose to homogeneous matrix.
- Parameters:
pose (2-tuple) – a (pos, orn) tuple where pos is vec3 float cartesian, and orn is vec4 float quaternion.
- Returns:
4x4 homogeneous matrix
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.pose_in_A_to_pose_in_B(pose_A, pose_A_in_B)#
Converts a homogenous matrix corresponding to a point C in frame A to a homogenous matrix corresponding to the same point C in frame B.
- Parameters:
pose_A (np.array) – 4x4 matrix corresponding to the pose of C in frame A
pose_A_in_B (np.array) – 4x4 matrix corresponding to the pose of A in frame B
- Returns:
4x4 matrix corresponding to the pose of C in frame B
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.pose_inv(pose)#
Computes the inverse of a homogeneous matrix corresponding to the pose of some frame B in frame A. The inverse is the pose of frame A in frame B.
- Parameters:
pose (np.array) – 4x4 matrix for the pose to inverse
- Returns:
4x4 matrix for the inverse pose
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.quat2axisangle(quat)#
Converts quaternion to axis-angle format. Returns a unit vector direction scaled by its angle in radians.
- Parameters:
quat (np.array) – (x,y,z,w) vec4 float angles
- Returns:
(ax,ay,az) axis-angle exponential coordinates
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.quat2mat(quaternion)#
Converts given quaternion to matrix.
- Parameters:
quaternion (np.array) – (x,y,z,w) vec4 float angles
- Returns:
3x3 rotation matrix
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.quat_conjugate(quaternion)#
Return conjugate of quaternion.
E.g.: >>> q0 = random_quaternion() >>> q1 = quat_conjugate(q0) >>> q1[3] == q0[3] and all(q1[:3] == -q0[:3]) True
- Parameters:
quaternion (np.array) – (x,y,z,w) quaternion
- Returns:
(x,y,z,w) quaternion conjugate
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.quat_distance(quaternion1, quaternion0)#
Returns distance between two quaternions, such that distance * quaternion0 = quaternion1
- Parameters:
quaternion1 (np.array) – (x,y,z,w) quaternion
quaternion0 (np.array) – (x,y,z,w) quaternion
- Returns:
(x,y,z,w) quaternion distance
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.quat_inverse(quaternion)#
Return inverse of quaternion.
E.g.: >>> q0 = random_quaternion() >>> q1 = quat_inverse(q0) >>> np.allclose(quat_multiply(q0, q1), [0, 0, 0, 1]) True
- Parameters:
quaternion (np.array) – (x,y,z,w) quaternion
- Returns:
(x,y,z,w) quaternion inverse
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.quat_multiply(quaternion1, quaternion0)#
Return multiplication of two quaternions (q1 * q0).
E.g.: >>> q = quat_multiply([1, -2, 3, 4], [-5, 6, 7, 8]) >>> np.allclose(q, [-44, -14, 48, 28]) True
- Parameters:
quaternion1 (np.array) – (x,y,z,w) quaternion
quaternion0 (np.array) – (x,y,z,w) quaternion
- Returns:
(x,y,z,w) multiplied quaternion
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.quat_slerp(quat0, quat1, fraction, shortestpath=True)#
Return spherical linear interpolation between two quaternions.
E.g.: >>> q0 = random_quat() >>> q1 = random_quat() >>> q = quat_slerp(q0, q1, 0.0) >>> np.allclose(q, q0) True
>>> q = quat_slerp(q0, q1, 1.0) >>> np.allclose(q, q1) True
>>> q = quat_slerp(q0, q1, 0.5) >>> angle = math.acos(, q)) >>> np.allclose(2.0, math.acos(, q1)) / angle) or np.allclose(2.0, math.acos(, q1)) / angle) True
- Parameters:
quat0 (np.array) – (x,y,z,w) quaternion startpoint
quat1 (np.array) – (x,y,z,w) quaternion endpoint
fraction (float) – fraction of interpolation to calculate
shortestpath (bool) – If True, will calculate the shortest path
- Returns:
(x,y,z,w) quaternion distance
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.random_axis_angle(angle_limit=None, random_state=None)#
Samples an axis-angle rotation by first sampling a random axis and then sampling an angle. If @angle_limit is provided, the size of the rotation angle is constrained.
If @random_state is provided (instance of np.random.RandomState), it will be used to generate random numbers.
- Parameters:
angle_limit (None or float) – If set, determines magnitude limit of angles to generate
random_state (None or RandomState) – RNG to use if specified
- Raises:
AssertionError – [Invalid RNG]
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.random_quat(rand=None)#
Return uniform random unit quaternion.
E.g.: >>> q = random_quat() >>> np.allclose(1.0, vector_norm(q)) True >>> q = random_quat(np.random.random(3)) >>> q.shape (4,)
- Parameters:
rand (3-array or None) – If specified, must be three independent random variables that are uniformly distributed between 0 and 1.
- Returns:
(x,y,z,w) random quaternion
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.rotate_2d_point(input, rot)#
rotate a 2d vector counterclockwise
- Parameters:
input (np.array) – 1d-array representing 2d vector
rot (float) – rotation value
- Returns:
rotated 1d-array
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.rotation_matrix(angle, direction, point=None)#
Returns matrix to rotate about axis defined by point and direction.
- E.g.:
>>> angle = (random.random() - 0.5) * (2*math.pi) >>> direc = numpy.random.random(3) - 0.5 >>> point = numpy.random.random(3) - 0.5 >>> R0 = rotation_matrix(angle, direc, point) >>> R1 = rotation_matrix(angle-2*math.pi, direc, point) >>> is_same_transform(R0, R1) True
>>> R0 = rotation_matrix(angle, direc, point) >>> R1 = rotation_matrix(-angle, -direc, point) >>> is_same_transform(R0, R1) True
>>> I = numpy.identity(4, numpy.float32) >>> numpy.allclose(I, rotation_matrix(math.pi*2, direc)) True
>>> numpy.allclose(2., numpy.trace(rotation_matrix(math.pi/2, ... direc, point))) True
- Parameters:
angle (float) – Magnitude of rotation
direction (np.array) – (ax,ay,az) axis about which to rotate
point (None or np.array) – If specified, is the (x,y,z) point about which the rotation will occur
- Returns:
4x4 homogeneous matrix that includes the desired rotation
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.unit_vector(data, axis=None, out=None)#
Returns ndarray normalized by length, i.e. eucledian norm, along axis.
- E.g.:
>>> v0 = numpy.random.random(3) >>> v1 = unit_vector(v0) >>> numpy.allclose(v1, v0 / numpy.linalg.norm(v0)) True
>>> v0 = numpy.random.rand(5, 4, 3) >>> v1 = unit_vector(v0, axis=-1) >>> v2 = v0 / numpy.expand_dims(numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(v0*v0, axis=2)), 2) >>> numpy.allclose(v1, v2) True
>>> v1 = unit_vector(v0, axis=1) >>> v2 = v0 / numpy.expand_dims(numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(v0*v0, axis=1)), 1) >>> numpy.allclose(v1, v2) True
>>> v1 = numpy.empty((5, 4, 3), dtype=numpy.float32) >>> unit_vector(v0, axis=1, out=v1) >>> numpy.allclose(v1, v2) True
>>> list(unit_vector([])) []
>>> list(unit_vector([1.0])) [1.0]
- Parameters:
data (np.array) – data to normalize
axis (None or int) – If specified, determines specific axis along data to normalize
out (None or np.array) – If specified, will store computation in this variable
- Returns:
If @out is not specified, will return normalized vector. Otherwise, stores the output in @out
- Return type:
None or np.array
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.vec(values)#
Converts value tuple into a numpy vector.
- Parameters:
values (n-array) – a tuple of numbers
- Returns:
vector of given values
- Return type:
- robosuite.utils.transform_utils.vel_in_A_to_vel_in_B(vel_A, ang_vel_A, pose_A_in_B)#
Converts linear and angular velocity of a point in frame A to the equivalent in frame B.
- Parameters:
vel_A (np.array) – (vx,vy,vz) linear velocity in A
ang_vel_A (np.array) – (wx,wy,wz) angular velocity in A
pose_A_in_B (np.array) – 4x4 matrix corresponding to the pose of A in frame B
- Returns:
(np.array) (vx,vy,vz) linear velocities in frame B
(np.array) (wx,wy,wz) angular velocities in frame B
- Return type: