robosuite.models.objects.composite_body package#


robosuite.models.objects.composite_body.hinged_box module#

class robosuite.models.objects.composite_body.hinged_box.HingedBoxObject(name, box1_size=(0.025, 0.025, 0.025), box2_size=(0.025, 0.025, 0.0125), use_texture=True)#

Bases: CompositeBodyObject

An example object that demonstrates the CompositeBodyObject functionality. This object consists of two cube bodies joined together by a hinge joint.

  • name (str) – Name of this object

  • box1_size (3-array) – (L, W, H) half-sizes for the first box

  • box2_size (3-array) – (L, W, H) half-sizes for the second box

  • use_texture (bool) – set True if using wood textures for the blocks

robosuite.models.objects.composite_body.ratcheting_wrench module#

class robosuite.models.objects.composite_body.ratcheting_wrench.RatchetingWrenchObject(name, handle_size=(0.08, 0.01, 0.005), outer_radius_1=0.0425, inner_radius_1=0.03, height_1=0.05, outer_radius_2=0.0425, inner_radius_2=0.03, height_2=0.05, ngeoms=8, grip_size=None, density=1000.0, solref=(0.02, 1.0), solimp=(0.9, 0.95, 0.001), friction=None)#

Bases: CompositeBodyObject

A ratcheting wrench made out of mujoco primitives. :param name: Name of this object :type name: str :param handle_size: (L, W, H) half-sizes for the handle (center part of wrench) :type handle_size: [float] :param outer_radius_1: Outer radius of first end of wrench :type outer_radius_1: float :param inner_radius_1: Inner radius of first end of wrench :type inner_radius_1: float :param height_1: Height of first end of wrench :type height_1: float :param outer_radius_2: Outer radius of second end of wrench :type outer_radius_2: float :param inner_radius_2: Inner radius of second end of wrench :type inner_radius_2: float :param height_2: Height of second end of wrench :type height_2: float :param ngeoms: Number of box geoms used to approximate the ends of the wrench. Use

more geoms to make the approximation better.


grip_size ([float]) – (R, H) radius and half-height for the box grip. Set to None to not add a grip.

Module contents#