robosuite.controllers.composite package#
robosuite.controllers.composite.composite_controller module#
- class robosuite.controllers.composite.composite_controller.CompositeController(sim: MjSim, robot_model: RobotModel, grippers: Dict[str, GripperModel])#
This is the parent class for all composite controllers. If you want to develop an advanced version of your controller, you should subclass from this composite controller.
- property action_limits#
- get_control_dim(part_name)#
- get_controller(part_name)#
- get_controller_base_pose(controller_name)#
- load_controller_config(part_controller_config, composite_controller_specific_config: Dict | None = None)#
- name = 'BASIC'#
- reset()#
- run_controller(enabled_parts)#
- set_goal(all_action)#
- setup_action_split_idx()#
- update_state()#
- class robosuite.controllers.composite.composite_controller.HybridMobileBase(sim: MjSim, robot_model: RobotModel, grippers: Dict[str, GripperModel])#
- property action_limits#
- create_action_vector(action_dict)#
A helper function that creates the action vector given a dictionary
- set_goal(all_action)#
- class robosuite.controllers.composite.composite_controller.WholeBody(sim: MjSim, robot_model: RobotModel, grippers: Dict[str, GripperModel])#
- property action_limits#
Returns the action limits for the whole body controller. Corresponds to each term in the action vector passed to env.step().
- create_action_vector(action_dict: Dict[str, ndarray]) ndarray #
- print_action_info()#
- print_action_info_dict(name: str = '')#
- set_goal(all_action)#
- setup_action_split_idx()#
Action split indices for the underlying factorized controllers.
WholeBody controller takes in a different action space from the underlying factorized controllers for individual body parts.
- setup_whole_body_controller_action_split_idx()#
Action split indices for the composite controller’s input action space.
WholeBodyIK composite controller takes in a different action space from the underlying factorized controllers.
- update_state()#
- class robosuite.controllers.composite.composite_controller.WholeBodyIK(sim: MjSim, robot_model: RobotModel, grippers: Dict[str, GripperModel])#
- name = 'WHOLE_BODY_IK'#
- robosuite.controllers.composite.composite_controller.register_composite_controller(target_class)#
robosuite.controllers.composite.composite_controller_factory module#
- robosuite.controllers.composite.composite_controller_factory.is_part_controller_config(config: Dict)#
Checks if a controller config is a part config as a opposed to a composite controller config.
- Parameters:
config (dict) – Controller configuration
- Returns:
True if the config is in the for the arm-only, False otherwise
- Return type:
- robosuite.controllers.composite.composite_controller_factory.load_composite_controller_config(controller: str | None = None, robot: str | None = None) Dict | None #
Utility function that loads the desired composite controller and returns the loaded configuration as a dict
- Parameters:
controller – Name or path of the controller to load. If None, robot must be specified and we load the robot’s default controller in controllers/config/robots/. If specified, must be a valid controller name or path to a controller config file.
robot – Name of the robot to load the controller for.
- Returns:
Controller configuration
- Return type:
- Raises:
FileNotFoundError – If the controller file is not found
- robosuite.controllers.composite.composite_controller_factory.refactor_composite_controller_config(controller_config, robot_type, arms)#
Checks if a controller config is in the format from robosuite versions <= 1.4.1. If this is the case, converts the controller config to the new composite controller config format in robosuite versions >= 1.5. If the robot has a default controller config use that and override the arms with the old controller config. If not just use the old controller config for arms.
- Parameters:
old_controller_config (dict) – Old controller config
- Returns:
New controller config
- Return type:
- robosuite.controllers.composite.composite_controller_factory.validate_composite_controller_config(config: dict)#