robosuite.models.arenas package#


robosuite.models.arenas.arena module#

class robosuite.models.arenas.arena.Arena(fname)#

Bases: MujocoXML

Base arena class.

set_camera(camera_name, pos, quat, camera_attribs=None)#

Sets a camera with @camera_name. If the camera already exists, then this overwrites its pos and quat values.

  • camera_name (str) – Camera name to search for / create

  • pos (3-array) – (x,y,z) coordinates of camera in world frame

  • quat (4-array) – (w,x,y,z) quaternion of camera in world frame

  • camera_attribs (dict) – If specified, should be additional keyword-mapped attributes for this camera. See for exact attribute specifications.


Applies a constant offset to all objects.


offset (3-tuple) – (x,y,z) offset to apply to all nodes in this XML

robosuite.models.arenas.bins_arena module#

class robosuite.models.arenas.bins_arena.BinsArena(bin1_pos=(0.1, -0.5, 0.8), table_full_size=(0.39, 0.49, 0.82), table_friction=(1, 0.005, 0.0001))#

Bases: Arena

Workspace that contains two bins placed side by side.

  • bin1_pos (3-tuple) – (x,y,z) position to place bin1

  • table_full_size (3-tuple) – (L,W,H) full dimensions of the table

  • table_friction (3-tuple) – (sliding, torsional, rolling) friction parameters of the table


Configures correct locations for this arena

robosuite.models.arenas.empty_arena module#

class robosuite.models.arenas.empty_arena.EmptyArena#

Bases: Arena

Empty workspace.

robosuite.models.arenas.multi_table_arena module#

class robosuite.models.arenas.multi_table_arena.MultiTableArena(table_offsets, table_rots=0, table_full_sizes=(0.8, 0.8, 0.05), table_frictions=(1, 0.005, 0.0001), has_legs=True, xml='arenas/multi_table_arena.xml')#

Bases: Arena

Workspace that contains multiple tables. :param table_offsets: (x,y,z) offset from center of arena when placing each table.

Note that the number of tables is inferred from the length of this list Note that the z value sets the upper limit of the table

  • table_rots (float or list of float) – z-rotation to apply to each table. If only a single value is given, it will be broadcasted according to the total number of tables

  • table_full_sizes (3-array or list of 3-array) – (L,W,H) full dimensions of each table. If only a single value is given, it will be broadcasted according to the total number of tables

  • table_frictions (3-array or list of 3-array) – (sliding, torsional, rolling) friction parameters of each table.

  • has_legs (bool or list of bool) – whether each table has legs or not. If only a single value is given, it will be broadcasted according to the total number of tables

  • xml (str) – xml file to load arena


Configures correct locations for this arena

robosuite.models.arenas.pegs_arena module#

class robosuite.models.arenas.pegs_arena.PegsArena(table_full_size=(0.45, 0.69, 0.05), table_friction=(1, 0.005, 0.0001), table_offset=(0, 0, 0))#

Bases: TableArena

Workspace that contains a tabletop with two fixed pegs.

  • table_full_size (3-tuple) – (L,W,H) full dimensions of the table

  • table_friction (3-tuple) – (sliding, torsional, rolling) friction parameters of the table

  • table_offset (3-tuple) – (x,y,z) offset from center of arena when placing table. Note that the z value sets the upper limit of the table

robosuite.models.arenas.table_arena module#

class robosuite.models.arenas.table_arena.TableArena(table_full_size=(0.8, 0.8, 0.05), table_friction=(1, 0.005, 0.0001), table_offset=(0, 0, 0.8), has_legs=True, xml='arenas/table_arena.xml')#

Bases: Arena

Workspace that contains an empty table.

  • table_full_size (3-tuple) – (L,W,H) full dimensions of the table

  • table_friction (3-tuple) – (sliding, torsional, rolling) friction parameters of the table

  • table_offset (3-tuple) – (x,y,z) offset from center of arena when placing table. Note that the z value sets the upper limit of the table

  • has_legs (bool) – whether the table has legs or not

  • xml (str) – xml file to load arena


Configures correct locations for this arena

property table_top_abs#

Grabs the absolute position of table top


(x,y,z) table position

Return type:


robosuite.models.arenas.wipe_arena module#

class robosuite.models.arenas.wipe_arena.WipeArena(table_full_size=(0.8, 0.8, 0.05), table_friction=(0.01, 0.005, 0.0001), table_offset=(0, 0, 0.8), coverage_factor=0.9, num_markers=10, table_friction_std=0, line_width=0.02, two_clusters=False)#

Bases: TableArena

Workspace that contains an empty table with visual markers on its surface.

  • table_full_size (3-tuple) – (L,W,H) full dimensions of the table

  • table_friction (3-tuple) – (sliding, torsional, rolling) friction parameters of the table

  • table_offset (3-tuple) – (x,y,z) offset from center of arena when placing table. Note that the z value sets the upper limit of the table

  • coverage_factor (float) – Fraction of table that will be sampled for dirt placement

  • num_markers (int) – Number of dirt (peg) particles to generate in a path on the table

  • table_friction_std (float) – Standard deviation to sample for the peg friction

  • line_width (float) – Diameter of dirt path trace

  • two_clusters (bool) – If set, will generate two separate dirt paths with half the number of sensors in each


Configures correct locations for this arena


Reset the visual marker locations in the environment. Requires @sim (MjSim) reference to be passed in so that the Mujoco sim can be directly modified


sim (MjSim) – Simulation instance containing this arena and visual markers


Helper function to add a sampled dirt (peg) position to a pre-existing dirt path, whose most recent dirt position is defined by @pos


pos (np.array) – (x,y) value of most recent dirt position


the (x,y) value of the newly sampled dirt position to add to the current dirt path

Return type:



Helper function to return sampled start position of a new dirt (peg) location


the (x,y) value of the newly sampled dirt starting location

Return type:


Module contents#