RoboTurk Datasets

RoboTurk is a crowdsourcing platform developed in order to enabled collecting large-scale manipulation datasets. Below, we describe RoboTurk datasets that are compatible with robosuite.

Datasets compatible with v1.2+

We have collected several human demonstration datasets across several tasks implemented in robosuite as part of the robomimic framework. For more information on these datasets, including how to download them and start training policies with them, please see this link.

Datasets compatible with v0.3

We collected a large-scale dataset on the SawyerPickPlace and SawyerNutAssembly tasks using the RoboTurk platform. Crowdsourced workers collected these task demonstrations remotely. It consists of 1070 successful SawyerPickPlace demonstrations and 1147 successful SawyerNutAssembly demonstrations.

We are providing the dataset in the hopes that it will be beneficial to researchers working on imitation learning. Large-scale imitation learning has not been explored much in the community; it will be exciting to see how this data is used.

You can download the dataset here.

Note: to get started with this data, we highly recommend using the robomimic framework - see this link for more information. To use this data, you should be on the roboturk_v1 branch of robosuite, which is v0.3 with a few minor changes. You can do this by using git checkout roboturk_v1 after cloning the repository, or just download the source code from this link.

After unzipping the dataset, the following subdirectories can be found within the RoboTurkPilot directory.

  • bins-full

    • The set of complete demonstrations on the full SawyerPickPlace task. Every demonstration consists of the Sawyer arm placing one of each object into its corresponding bin.

  • bins-Milk

    • A postprocessed, segmented set of demonstrations that corresponds to the SawyerPickPlaceMilk task. Every demonstration consists of the Sawyer arm placing a can into its corresponding bin.

  • bins-Bread

    • A postprocessed, segmented set of demonstrations that corresponds to the SawyerPickPlaceBread task. Every demonstration consists of the Sawyer arm placing a loaf of bread into its corresponding bin.

  • bins-Cereal

    • A postprocessed, segmented set of demonstrations that corresponds to the SawyerPickPlaceCereal task. Every demonstration consists of the Sawyer arm placing a cereal box into its corresponding bin.

  • bins-Can

    • A postprocessed, segmented set of demonstrations that corresponds to the SawyerPickPlaceCan task. Every demonstration consists of the Sawyer arm placing a can into its corresponding bin.

  • pegs-full

    • The set of complete demonstrations on the full SawyerNutAssembly task. Every demonstration consists of the Sawyer arm fitting a square nut and a round nut onto their corresponding pegs.

  • pegs-SquareNut

    • A postprocessed, segmented set of demonstrations that corresponds to the SawyerNutAssemblySquare task. Every demonstration consists of the Sawyer arm fitting a square nut onto its corresponding peg.

  • pegs-RoundNut

    • A postprocessed, segmented set of demonstrations that corresponds to the SawyerNutAssemblyRound task. Every demonstration consists of the Sawyer arm fitting a round nut onto its corresponding peg.