Demo Showcases

We provide a collection of demo scripts to showcase the functionalities in robosuite.

Environment Configuration

The sciprt is the starter demo script that you should try first. It highlights the modular design of our simulated environments. It enables users to create new simulation instances by choosing one environment, one or more robots, and their controllers from the command line. The script creates an environment instance and controls the robots with uniform random actions drawn from the controller-specific action space. The list of all environments, robots, controllers, and gripper types supported in the current version of robosuite are defined by suite.ALL_ENVIRONMENTS, suite.ALL_ROBOTS, suite.ALL_CONTROLLERS, and suite.ALL_GRIPPERS respectively.

Controller Test

The script demonstrates the various functionalities of each controller available within robosuite. For a given controller, runs through each dimension and executes a perturbation test_value from its neutral (stationary) value for a certain amount of time “steps_per_action”, and then returns to all neutral values for time steps_per_rest before proceeding with the next action dim. For example, given that the expected action space of the OSC_POSE controller (without a gripper) is (dx, dy, dz, droll, dpitch, dyaw), the testing sequence of actions over time will be:

( dx,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, grip)     <-- Translation in x-direction      for 'steps_per_action' steps
(  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, grip)     <-- No movement (pause)             for 'steps_per_rest' steps
(  0, dy,  0,  0,  0,  0, grip)     <-- Translation in y-direction      for 'steps_per_action' steps
(  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, grip)     <-- No movement (pause)             for 'steps_per_rest' steps
(  0,  0, dz,  0,  0,  0, grip)     <-- Translation in z-direction      for 'steps_per_action' steps
(  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, grip)     <-- No movement (pause)             for 'steps_per_rest' steps
(  0,  0,  0, dr,  0,  0, grip)     <-- Rotation in roll (x) axis       for 'steps_per_action' steps
(  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, grip)     <-- No movement (pause)             for 'steps_per_rest' steps
(  0,  0,  0,  0, dp,  0, grip)     <-- Rotation in pitch (y) axis      for 'steps_per_action' steps
(  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, grip)     <-- No movement (pause)             for 'steps_per_rest' steps
(  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, dy, grip)     <-- Rotation in yaw (z) axis        for 'steps_per_action' steps
(  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, grip)     <-- No movement (pause)             for 'steps_per_rest' steps

Thus the OSC_POSE controller should be expected to sequentially move linearly in the x direction first, then the y direction, then the z direction, and then begin sequentially rotating about its x-axis, then y-axis, then z-axis. Please reference the documentation of Controllers for an overview of each controller. Controllers are expected to behave in a generally controlled manner, according to their control space. The expected sequential qualitative behavior during the test is described below for each controller:

  • OSC_POSE: Gripper moves sequentially and linearly in x, y, z direction, then sequentially rotates in x-axis, y-axis, z-axis, relative to the global coordinate frame

  • OSC_POSITION: Gripper moves sequentially and linearly in x, y, z direction, relative to the global coordinate frame

  • IK_POSE: Gripper moves sequentially and linearly in x, y, z direction, then sequentially rotates in x-axis, y-axis, z-axis, relative to the local robot end effector frame

  • JOINT_POSITION: Robot Joints move sequentially in a controlled fashion

  • JOINT_VELOCITY: Robot Joints move sequentially in a controlled fashion

  • JOINT_TORQUE: Unlike other controllers, joint torque controller is expected to act rather lethargic, as the “controller” is really just a wrapper for direct torque control of the mujoco actuators. Therefore, a “neutral” value of 0 torque will not guarantee a stable robot when it has non-zero velocity!

Domain Randomization

The script showcases our domain randomization functionality. Domain randomization can be easily enabled by wrapping an environment with the DomainRandomizationWrapper. At this moment, the randomization functionality focuses on visual variations, including colors, textures, and camera viewpoints.

collection of grippers

Sensor Realism

The script shows how the Observable functionality can be used to model sensor corruption and delay. The Observable class provides easy-to-use interface for simulating real-world sensor noises, variable sensor delays, and sampling frequencies of realistic sensors. These techniques are useful for improving the generalization and robustness of the policies trained on robosuite, facilitating sim2real transfer to the real hardware. For example, see Appendix B of Zhu et al. RSS’2018 and Section V of Tan et al. RSS’2018.

Gripper Selection

The script shows you how to select gripper for an environment. This is controlled by gripper_type keyword argument. The set of all grippers is defined by the global variable robosuite.ALL_GRIPPERS.

collection of grippers

Gripper Interaction & Procedural Generation

The script illustrates the process of importing grippers into a scene and making it interact with the objects with actuators. It also shows how to procedurally generate a scene with the Modeling APIs of the MJCF utility functions.

Trajectory Replay

The shows how to record robot roll-out trajectory data with the DataCollectionWrapper wrapper and play them back. This wrapper records and stores the environment states in a trajectory to temporary files in .npz format (default path: /tmp). During playback, it loads the stored states from disk and resets the simulator to these states. Example:

$ python --environment Door

OpenAI Gym-style APIs

This script shows how to adapt an environment to be compatible with the OpenAI Gym-style APIs. This is useful when using learning pipelines that require supporting these APIs. For instance, this can be used with OpenAI Baselines to train agents with RL. We base this script off of some code snippets found in the Getting Started with Gym section of the OpenAI gym documentation. The following snippet was used to demo basic functionality in OpenAI Gym.

import gym
env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
for i_episode in range(20):
    observation = env.reset()
    for t in range(100):
        action = env.action_space.sample()
        observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
        if done:
            print("Episode finished after {} timesteps".format(t+1))

To adapt the robosuite APIs to be compatible with OpenAI Gym’s style, this script demonstrates how this can be easily achieved by using the GymWrapper.


The scripts shows how to teleoperate robot with control devices, such as keyboard or SpaceMouse. The user input device can be set by the --device argument, with the following two options:

  • Keyboard We use the keyboard to control the end-effector of the robot. The keyboard provides 6-DoF control commands through various keys. The commands are mapped to joint velocities through an inverse kinematics solver from Bullet physics.

    Note: To run this script with macOS, you must run it with root access.

  • SpaceMouse We use the SpaceMouse 3D mouse from 3Dconnexion to control the end-effector of the robot. The mouse provides 6-DoF control commands.

    We used the SpaceMouse Wireless. The paper below used the same device to collect human demonstrations for imitation learning.

    Reinforcement and Imitation Learning for Diverse Visuomotor Skills
    Yuke Zhu, Ziyu Wang, Josh Merel, Andrei Rusu, Tom Erez, Serkan Cabi, Saran Tunyasuvunakool,
    János Kramár, Raia Hadsell, Nando de Freitas, Nicolas Heess
    RSS 2018

    Note: This current implementation only supports macOS (Linux support can be added). Download and install the driver before running the script.

Additionally, --pos_sensitivity and --rot_sensitivity provide relative gains for increasing / decreasing the user input device sensitivity. The --controller argument determines the choice of using either inverse kinematics controller (ik) or operational space controller (osc). The main difference is that user inputs with ik’s rotations are always taken relative to eef coordinate frame, whereas user inputs with osc’s rotations are taken relative to global frame (i.e., static / camera frame of reference). osc also tends to be more computationally efficient since ik relies on the backend pybullet IK solver.

Furthermore, please choose environment specifics with the following arguments:

  • --environment: Task to perform, e.g., Lift, TwoArmPegInHole, NutAssembly, etc.

  • --robots: Robot(s) with which to perform the task. Can be any in {Panda, Sawyer, IIWA, Jaco, Kinova3, UR5e, Baxter}. Note that the environments include sanity checks, such that a TwoArm... environment will only accept either a 2-tuple of robot names or a single bimanual robot name, according to the specified configuration (see below), and all other environments will only accept a single single-armed robot name

  • --config: Exclusively applicable and only should be specified for TwoArm... environments. Specifies the robot configuration desired for the task. Options are {bimanual, single-arm-parallel, and single-arm-opposed}

    • bimanual: Sets up the environment for a single bimanual robot. Expects a single bimanual robot name to be specified in the --robots argument

    • single-arm-parallel: Sets up the environment such that two single-armed robots are stationed next to each other facing the same direction. Expects a 2-tuple of single-armed robot names to be specified in the --robots argument.

    • single-arm-opposed: Sets up the environment such that two single-armed robots are stationed opposed from each other, facing each other from opposite directions. Expects a 2-tuple of single-armed robot names to be specified in the --robots argument.

  • --arm: Exclusively applicable and only should be specified for TwoArm... environments. Specifies which of the multiple arm eef’s to control. The other (passive) arm will remain stationary. Options are {right, left} (from the point of view of the robot(s) facing against the viewer direction)

  • --switch-on-click: Exclusively applicable and only should be specified for TwoArm... environments. If enabled, will switch the current arm being controlled every time the gripper input is pressed

  • --toggle-camera-on-click: If enabled, gripper input presses will cycle through the available camera angles


  • For normal single-arm environment:

$ python --environment PickPlaceCan --robots Sawyer --controller osc
  • For two-arm bimanual environment:

$ python --environment TwoArmLift --robots Baxter --config bimanual --arm left --controller osc
  • For two-arm multi single-arm robot environment:

$ python --environment TwoArmLift --robots Sawyer Sawyer --config single-arm-parallel --controller osc

In robosuite, we use this teleoperation script extensively for debugging environment designs, tuning reward functions, and collecting human demonstration data.

PyGame Renderer

This script provides an example of using the pygame library for rendering camera observations as an alternative to the default mujoco_py renderer. This is useful for running robosuite on operating systems where mujoco_py is incompatible. Example:

$ python --environment Stack --width 1000 --height 1000

Video Recording

The script shows how to record a video of robot roll-out with the imageio library. This script uses offscreen rendering. This is useful for generating qualitative videos of robot policy behaviors. The generated video is in the mp4 format. Example:

$ python --environment Lift --robots Panda

Rendering Options

The script shows how to use different renderers with the simulation environments. Our current version supports three rendering options: MuJoCo (default), NVISII, and iGibson renderers. More information about these renderers can be found in the Renderer module. Example:

$ python --renderer igibson

The --renderer flag can be set to mujoco (default), nvisii and igibson.

Vision Modalities

The and scripts illustrate how to obtain vision modalities from the iGibson renderer and NVISII renderer respectively. This script uses the flags specified and renders that particular vision modality. Example:

$ python --vision-modality segmentation --segmentation-level instance

$ python --vision-modality depth

The --vision-modality flag can be set to depth, normal, segmentation or rgb (default). The -segmentation-level flag can be set only when --vision-modality is set to segmentation. It can set to instance, class, or element.