robosuite.models.objects.composite package#


robosuite.models.objects.composite.hammer module#

class robosuite.models.objects.composite.hammer.HammerObject(name, handle_shape='box', handle_radius=(0.015, 0.02), handle_length=(0.1, 0.25), handle_density=(100, 250), handle_friction=(3.0, 5.0), head_density_ratio=2.0, use_texture=True, rgba_handle=None, rgba_head=None, rgba_face=None, rgba_claw=None)#

Bases: robosuite.models.objects.generated_objects.CompositeObject

Generates a Hammer object with a cylindrical or box-shaped handle, cubic head, cylindrical face and triangular claw (used in Handover task)

  • name (str) – Name of this Hammer object

  • handle_shape (str) – Either “box”, for a box-shaped handle, or “cylinder”, for a cylindrically-shaped handle

  • handle_radius (float or 2-array of float) – Either specific or range of values to draw randomly from uniformly for the handle radius

  • handle_length (float or 2-array of float) – Either specific or range of values to draw randomly from uniformly for the handle length

  • handle_density (float or 2-array of float) – Either specific or range of values to draw randomly from uniformly for the handle density (in SI units). Note that this value is scaled x4 for the hammer head

  • handle_friction (float or 2-array of float) – Either specific or range of values to draw randomly from uniformly for the handle friction. Note that Mujoco default values are used for the head

  • head_density_ratio (float) – Ratio of density of handle to head (including face and claw)

  • use_texture (bool) – If true, geoms will be defined by realistic textures and rgba values will be ignored

  • rgba_handle (4-array or None) – If specified, sets handle rgba values

  • rgba_head (4-array or None) – If specified, sets handle rgba values

  • rgba_face (4-array or None) – If specified, sets handle rgba values

  • rgba_claw (4-array or None) – If specified, sets handle rgba values


ValueError – [Invalid handle shape]

property all_geoms#

Returns: list of str: geom names corresponding to all hammer components

property bottom_offset#

Returns vector from model root body to model bottom. Useful for, e.g. placing models on a surface. Must be defined by subclass.


(dx, dy, dz) offset vector

Return type


property claw_geoms#

Returns: list of str: geom names corresponding to hammer claw

property face_geoms#

Returns: list of str: geom names corresponding to hammer face

property handle_geoms#

Returns: list of str: geom names corresponding to hammer handle

property head_geoms#

Returns: list of str: geom names corresponding to hammer head

property horizontal_radius#

Returns maximum distance from model root body to any radial point of the model.

Helps us put models programmatically without them flying away due to a huge initial contact force. Must be defined by subclass.



Return type


property init_quat#

Generates a new random orientation for the hammer


(x, y, z, w) quaternion orientation for the hammer

Return type


property top_offset#

Returns vector from model root body to model top. Useful for, e.g. placing models on a surface. Must be defined by subclass.


(dx, dy, dz) offset vector

Return type


robosuite.models.objects.composite.pot_with_handles module#

class robosuite.models.objects.composite.pot_with_handles.PotWithHandlesObject(name, body_half_size=(0.07, 0.07, 0.07), handle_radius=0.01, handle_length=0.09, handle_width=0.09, handle_friction=1.0, density=1000, use_texture=True, rgba_body=None, rgba_handle_0=None, rgba_handle_1=None, solid_handle=False, thickness=0.01)#

Bases: robosuite.models.objects.generated_objects.CompositeObject

Generates the Pot object with side handles (used in TwoArmLift)

  • name (str) – Name of this Pot object

  • body_half_size (3-array of float) – If specified, defines the (x,y,z) half-dimensions of the main pot body. Otherwise, defaults to [0.07, 0.07, 0.07]

  • handle_radius (float) – Determines the pot handle radius

  • handle_length (float) – Determines the pot handle length

  • handle_width (float) – Determines the pot handle width

  • handle_friction (float) – Friction value to use for pot handles. Defauls to 1.0

  • density (float) – Density value to use for all geoms. Defaults to 1000

  • use_texture (bool) – If true, geoms will be defined by realistic textures and rgba values will be ignored

  • rgba_body (4-array or None) – If specified, sets pot body rgba values

  • rgba_handle_0 (4-array or None) – If specified, sets handle 0 rgba values

  • rgba_handle_1 (4-array or None) – If specified, sets handle 1 rgba values

  • solid_handle (bool) – If true, uses a single geom to represent the handle

  • thickness (float) – How thick to make the pot body walls

property bottom_offset#

Returns vector from model root body to model bottom. Useful for, e.g. placing models on a surface. Must be defined by subclass.


(dx, dy, dz) offset vector

Return type


property handle0_geoms#

Returns: list of str: geom names corresponding to handle0 (green handle)

property handle1_geoms#

Returns: list of str: geom names corresponding to handle1 (blue handle)

property handle_distance#

Calculates how far apart the handles are


handle distance

Return type


property handle_geoms#

Returns: list of str: geom names corresponding to both handles

property horizontal_radius#

Returns maximum distance from model root body to any radial point of the model.

Helps us put models programmatically without them flying away due to a huge initial contact force. Must be defined by subclass.



Return type


property important_sites#

Returns: dict: In addition to any default sites for this object, also provides the following entries


Name of handle0 location site


Name of handle1 location site

property top_offset#

Returns vector from model root body to model top. Useful for, e.g. placing models on a surface. Must be defined by subclass.


(dx, dy, dz) offset vector

Return type


Module contents#