robosuite.models.arenas package


robosuite.models.arenas.arena module

class robosuite.models.arenas.arena.Arena(fname)

Bases: robosuite.models.base.MujocoXML

Base arena class.

set_camera(camera_name, pos, quat, camera_attribs=None)

Sets a camera with @camera_name. If the camera already exists, then this overwrites its pos and quat values.

  • camera_name (str) – Camera name to search for / create

  • pos (3-array) – (x,y,z) coordinates of camera in world frame

  • quat (4-array) – (w,x,y,z) quaternion of camera in world frame

  • camera_attribs (dict) – If specified, should be additional keyword-mapped attributes for this camera. See for exact attribute specifications.


Applies a constant offset to all objects.


offset (3-tuple) – (x,y,z) offset to apply to all nodes in this XML

robosuite.models.arenas.bins_arena module

class robosuite.models.arenas.bins_arena.BinsArena(bin1_pos=(0.1, - 0.5, 0.8), table_full_size=(0.39, 0.49, 0.82), table_friction=(1, 0.005, 0.0001))

Bases: robosuite.models.arenas.arena.Arena

Workspace that contains two bins placed side by side.

  • bin1_pos (3-tuple) – (x,y,z) position to place bin1

  • table_full_size (3-tuple) – (L,W,H) full dimensions of the table

  • table_friction (3-tuple) – (sliding, torsional, rolling) friction parameters of the table


Configures correct locations for this arena

robosuite.models.arenas.empty_arena module

class robosuite.models.arenas.empty_arena.EmptyArena

Bases: robosuite.models.arenas.arena.Arena

Empty workspace.

robosuite.models.arenas.pegs_arena module

class robosuite.models.arenas.pegs_arena.PegsArena(table_full_size=(0.45, 0.69, 0.05), table_friction=(1, 0.005, 0.0001), table_offset=(0, 0, 0))

Bases: robosuite.models.arenas.table_arena.TableArena

Workspace that contains a tabletop with two fixed pegs.

  • table_full_size (3-tuple) – (L,W,H) full dimensions of the table

  • table_friction (3-tuple) – (sliding, torsional, rolling) friction parameters of the table

  • table_offset (3-tuple) – (x,y,z) offset from center of arena when placing table. Note that the z value sets the upper limit of the table

robosuite.models.arenas.table_arena module

class robosuite.models.arenas.table_arena.TableArena(table_full_size=(0.8, 0.8, 0.05), table_friction=(1, 0.005, 0.0001), table_offset=(0, 0, 0.8), has_legs=True, xml='arenas/table_arena.xml')

Bases: robosuite.models.arenas.arena.Arena

Workspace that contains an empty table.

  • table_full_size (3-tuple) – (L,W,H) full dimensions of the table

  • table_friction (3-tuple) – (sliding, torsional, rolling) friction parameters of the table

  • table_offset (3-tuple) – (x,y,z) offset from center of arena when placing table. Note that the z value sets the upper limit of the table

  • has_legs (bool) – whether the table has legs or not

  • xml (str) – xml file to load arena


Configures correct locations for this arena

property table_top_abs

Grabs the absolute position of table top


(x,y,z) table position

Return type


robosuite.models.arenas.wipe_arena module

class robosuite.models.arenas.wipe_arena.WipeArena(table_full_size=(0.8, 0.8, 0.05), table_friction=(0.01, 0.005, 0.0001), table_offset=(0, 0, 0.8), coverage_factor=0.9, num_markers=10, table_friction_std=0, line_width=0.02, two_clusters=False)

Bases: robosuite.models.arenas.table_arena.TableArena

Workspace that contains an empty table with visual markers on its surface.

  • table_full_size (3-tuple) – (L,W,H) full dimensions of the table

  • table_friction (3-tuple) – (sliding, torsional, rolling) friction parameters of the table

  • table_offset (3-tuple) – (x,y,z) offset from center of arena when placing table. Note that the z value sets the upper limit of the table

  • coverage_factor (float) – Fraction of table that will be sampled for dirt placement

  • num_markers (int) – Number of dirt (peg) particles to generate in a path on the table

  • table_friction_std (float) – Standard deviation to sample for the peg friction

  • line_width (float) – Diameter of dirt path trace

  • two_clusters (bool) – If set, will generate two separate dirt paths with half the number of sensors in each


Configures correct locations for this arena


Reset the visual marker locations in the environment. Requires @sim (MjSim) reference to be passed in so that the Mujoco sim can be directly modified


sim (MjSim) – Simulation instance containing this arena and visual markers


Helper function to add a sampled dirt (peg) position to a pre-existing dirt path, whose most recent dirt position is defined by @pos


pos (np.array) – (x,y) value of most recent dirt position


the (x,y) value of the newly sampled dirt position to add to the current dirt path

Return type



Helper function to return sampled start position of a new dirt (peg) location


the (x,y) value of the newly sampled dirt starting location

Return type


Module contents