robosuite.controllers.interpolators package


robosuite.controllers.interpolators.base_interpolator module

class robosuite.controllers.interpolators.base_interpolator.Interpolator

Bases: object

General interpolator interface.

abstract get_interpolated_goal()

Provides the next step in interpolation given the remaining steps.


Next interpolated step

Return type


robosuite.controllers.interpolators.linear_interpolator module

class robosuite.controllers.interpolators.linear_interpolator.LinearInterpolator(ndim, controller_freq, policy_freq, ramp_ratio=0.2, use_delta_goal=False, ori_interpolate=None)

Bases: robosuite.controllers.interpolators.base_interpolator.Interpolator

Simple class for implementing a linear interpolator.

Abstracted to interpolate n-dimensions

  • ndim (int) – Number of dimensions to interpolate

  • controller_freq (float) – Frequency (Hz) of the controller

  • policy_freq (float) – Frequency (Hz) of the policy model

  • ramp_ratio (float) –

    Percentage of interpolation timesteps across which we will interpolate to a goal position.


    Num total interpolation steps will be equal to np.floor(ramp_ratio * controller_freq / policy_freq) i.e.: how many controller steps we get per action space update

  • ori_interpolate (None or str) –

    If set, assumes that we are interpolating angles (orientation) Specified string determines assumed type of input:

    ’euler’: Euler orientation inputs ‘quat’: Quaternion inputs


Provides the next step in interpolation given the remaining steps.

NOTE: If this interpolator is for orientation, it is assumed to be receiving either euler angles or quaternions


Next position in the interpolated trajectory

Return type



Takes a requested (absolute) goal and updates internal parameters for next interpolation step


np.array – Requested goal (absolute value). Should be same dimension as self.dim

set_states(dim=None, ori=None)

Updates self.dim and self.ori_interpolate.

Initializes self.start and self.goal with correct dimensions.

  • ndim (None or int) – Number of dimensions to interpolate

  • ori_interpolate (None or str) –

    If set, assumes that we are interpolating angles (orientation) Specified string determines assumed type of input:

    ’euler’: Euler orientation inputs ‘quat’: Quaternion inputs

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