Robot Model =========== Robot Model ----------- The ``RobotModel`` class serves as a direct intermediary class that reads in information from a corresponding robot XML file and also contains relevant hard-coded information from that XML. This represents an arbitrary robot optionally equipped with a mount via the ``MountModel`` class and is the core modeling component of the higher-level ``Robot`` class used in simulation. .. autoclass:: robosuite.models.robots.robot_model.RobotModel .. automethod:: set_base_xpos .. automethod:: set_base_ori .. automethod:: set_joint_attribute .. automethod:: add_mount .. autoproperty:: dof .. autoproperty:: default_mount .. autoproperty:: default_controller_config .. autoproperty:: init_qpos .. autoproperty:: base_xpos_offset .. autoproperty:: _horizontal_radius .. autoproperty:: _important_sites .. autoproperty:: _important_geoms .. autoproperty:: _important_sensors Manipulator Model ----------------- The ``ManipulatorModel`` class extends from the base ``RobotModel`` class, and represents an armed, mounted robot with an optional gripper attached to its end effector. In conjunction with the corresponding ``GripperModel`` class and ``MountModel`` class, this serves as the core modeling component of the higher-level ``Manipulator`` class used in simulation. .. autoclass:: robosuite.models.robots.manipulators.manipulator_model.ManipulatorModel .. automethod:: add_gripper .. autoproperty:: default_gripper .. autoproperty:: arm_type .. autoproperty:: base_xpos_offset .. autoproperty:: _important_sites .. autoproperty:: _eef_name Gripper Model ------------- The ``GripperModel`` class serves as a direct intermediary class that reads in information from a corresponding gripper XML file and also contains relevant hard-coded information from that XML. In conjunction with the ``ManipulatorModel`` class, this serves as the core modeling component of the higher-level `Manipulator` class used in simulation. .. autoclass:: robosuite.models.grippers.gripper_model.GripperModel .. automethod:: format_action .. autoproperty:: speed .. autoproperty:: dof .. autoproperty:: init_qpos .. autoproperty:: _important_sites .. autoproperty:: _important_geoms .. autoproperty:: _important_sensors Mount Model ----------- The ``MountModel`` class serves as a direct intermediary class that reads in information from a corresponding mount XML file and also contains relevant hard-coded information from that XML. In conjunction with the ``RobotModel`` class, this serves as the core modeling component of the higher-level Robot class used in simulation. .. autoclass:: robosuite.models.mounts.mount_model.MountModel .. autoproperty:: top_offset .. autoproperty:: horizontal_radius .. autoproperty:: _important_sites .. autoproperty:: _important_geoms .. autoproperty:: _important_sensors